Activision had made the promise: today would fall the presentation of the multiplayer of Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War. Thus, after having already unveiled the solo as well as a beautiful cinematic, the publisher dwells on the online facet of the famous FPS which is then the subject of a new trailer: particularly visual - 4K in 60FPS, please ! - the trailer is also full of gameplay and information.
The multiplayer, designed by Treyarch and Raven, will therefore take place in 1983 and will take us everywhere: in the North Atlantic within a gigantic map punctuated by military ships, in the middle of the Angolan desert dotted with buggies and other cemeteries of e planes, in the middle of the frozen station of Uzbekistan or in the greenery of the trees of the Urals, there will be plenty to do in the many game modes offered.
Moreover, if you are curious, know that we have already had the opportunity to try our hand at multiplayer for several hours: all our information (and our feelings) are precisely available at this address.
While waiting for the release of this tantalizing Call of Duty Black Ops War on November 13 on PC, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 (the game should arrive on PS5 as soon as it is marketed), we We therefore advise you to savor this new video, which was broadcast very recently. And there's a zombie surprise at the very end...