Rare fact: fans of the series were asked to give their opinion on the progress of the work. Thus, meetings were organized every six weeks, the lucky ones having unlimited access to the content. “Of course, we have our own opinions, but that does not mean that they are the right ones, specifies Philippe Ducharme, the producer. We wanted to have their raw opinion on a certain number of polarizing subjects, so we compiled their comments for make informed decisions."

On the story side, EA Motive has not only taken elements from the base game, but the studio has also integrated moments present in the comics, Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3 in order to enrich the universe of the remake. We can even see secondary characters who, in Dead Space, are only mentioned through audio messages. In terms of gameplay, we are told that zero-gravity movements have been improved, and that the famous dismemberment system is even more dynamic.

"When you start shooting, you see the skin and the flesh coming off the body of the enemy, then you start to see the bones underneath, says Roman Campos-Oriola. You can then nick the bones and then rip the limb , and so on. Visually, it's amazing, but it also lets the person playing know in real time how much damage they're inflicting." Finally, the developers have not given up on the idea of ​​making Dead Space a long sequence shot like a God of War, an ambition they had already talked about during the summer of 2021. Thus, from start to At the end of the game, there will be no cut, nor loading screen, unless you die. Clearly, we can explore the entire USG Ishimura in one block. In terms of immersion, it looks pretty good, especially if we add the work done in terms of sound design.
For the record, Dead Space Remake is expected for January 27, 2023 on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PC and PS5.