Gargoyles Remastered: the cult Mega Drive game will be restored, first details

    This was by far one of the most unexpected announcements from the Disney & Marvel Games Showcase tonight, namely Gargoyles Remastered, the return of a cult Mega Drive game. Released in 1995 and developed at the time by Disney Interactive Studios, the game adapted the adventures of these gargoyles who brought justice to the night, and whose cartoon has rocked many thirty-somethings and forties today. Details are scanty so far, especially since Disney didn't even reveal a single image of the game during their event. All we know is that Empty Clip Studios is at the helm of the project, a studio that has made a name for itself in terms of remakes of old glories from the 90s. Disney also specified that this Gargoyles Remastered will feature updated graphics and gameplay, befitting today's canons. We can not wait to see the result.

    Gargoyles Remastered: the cult Mega Drive game will be restored, first details

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