Scholomance Academy is the latest expansion for Hearthstone. It's slated for release on August 6 and includes 135 new cards for 10 hero classes.
This Hearthstone set is the first in the game's history to introduce dual-class cards, where certain cards can only be used in two classes. Additionally, Blizzard introduced a new Spellburst mechanic, which requires players to cast spells for certain effects.
All of this means that the Scholomance Academy meta will rely heavily on spell-based decks, which puts classes like Mage, Rogue, and Priest front and center.
This list includes 15 of the best new Hearthstone cards from Scholomance Academy, which are sure to drive the standard-format meta this season.
Laboratory partner
The new 1-drop Mage isn't exactly a Mana Wyrm, but it's pretty close, and many players will play two copies of it in their non-mountain decks.
Tempo rosters that run Cinderstorm and Arcane Missiles will particularly appreciate Lab Partner due to its early damage boost.
But control players could also fit in a copy, as it's really strong with AoEs like Flamestrike and Rolling Fireball.
Either way, all Mage players are looking for bonus spell damage, and this card offers just that.
jailer spirit
Designed for Warlock and Demon Hunter players, this is the best common dual class card in the Scholomance Academy set.
Spirit Jailer's Battlecry puts Soul Fragment cards in your deck that heal your hero for 2 HP when drawn.
Spirit Jailer pairs very well with Soulshard Lapidary in Demon Hunter, and Warlock players of all kinds will want that health and 1/3 body for 1 mana.
voracious reader
If you're playing Hearthstone from the Gnomes vs. Goblins, you should remember a card named Jeeves. It had a very similar effect, but Voracious Reader is much better: it only draws extra cards for you.
Since it's a fairly cheap and neutral card, many tempo and aggro decks will want to have both copies of it.
Face Hunter players will be especially happy to get this, as the draw is the weakest point in these types of lists. Not anymore!
This two-class spell for Warrior and Rogue is basically Execute combined with Assassinate. It's also pretty cheap at only 3 mana, so it should be on any list relating to those two classes.
Constraint will be especially popular among Control Rogue players, who always complain about the lack of decent removal spells for their class. Well, it looks like their prayers have been answered.
Warrior players can also consider at least one copy of Coerce, but it actually has enough suppression spells as-is, so it depends on your individual playstyle.
Dusk Runner
This rare Druid card has been compared to the infamous Ultimate Infestation. Obviously, the UI spell is much more powerful, but the ability to deal 5 damage and draw two cards for 5 mana is guaranteed thanks to stealth protection.
Twilight Runner can be used with the Guardian Animals spell, which can put it on board, allowing players to immediately draw two cards with its Rush mechanic.
Sure, Twilight Runner might be too slow for the current meta, but in the right roster it should work pretty well.
Passage secret
Combo and Highlander Rogue players will be happy to play this card. He can quickly help you find a combo or suppression spell that will keep you alive in a pinch. Secret Passage will also be used to find Zephrys.
It's hard to believe that this spell only costs one mana, which could indicate an increase in the near future.
Silver Braggart
The text on this card may be a little blurry at first, but it's really as broken as it sounds. Argent Braggart "really gains Attack and Health to match the highest (card) on the battlefield".
For example, if there is a 1/5 minion on board and a 5/1 minion, then Argent Braggart becomes a 5/5 minion for only 2 mana. Now imagine these two stats at a higher level.
Sure, it can always be silenced, but that's true of any strong card in Hearthstone, which has never stopped anyone from playing them.
Krolusk Barkstripper
To activate the Spellburst effect for Krolusk Barkstripper, you don't need more than a 1 mana spell, and Hunter has plenty.
Beast and Highlander Hunter players should definitely consider Barkstripper for their upgraded rosters, but even random copies of it could be seen in more aggressive archetypes, such as Dragon Hunter.
It could be compared to Deadly Shot, a staple card in many Hunter decks, but Barkstripper is even better, as it adds significant body to the battlefield.
devout student
Pure Libram Paladin gets one of the best Scholomance Academy cards through Devout Pupil.
You can quickly upgrade your cheaper minions and get the Devout Pupil on board on turn three, and that's really strong for a 4/5 minion with Divine Shield and Taunt. Undoubtedly, the second copy will be played for free.
Since it's a dual-class card, it can also be played in the Priest class, but it currently lacks cheap buff spells, making its immediate use in the class void. For now, it's all about Paladin.
Ace Hunter Green
This legendary dual card for the Hunter and Demon Hunter classes is the ultimate protector for your minions and heroes. Ace Hunter Kreen will be especially useful in the Rush Hunter archetype.
You will no longer lose your entire board because your minions turn into a huge taunt. Now you can walk through as many taunt minions as you want, as long as Ace Hunter Kreen remains alive on the board.
However, unfortunately, if your opponent has target suppression, then Ace Hunter Kreen will die.
Lord Barov
Lord Barov is by far the most powerful and cheapest board removal for Warrior and Paladin. You'll need an activator, such as the Animated Broom or Rocket Augmerchant, to use it, but the combo will only cost 4 mana.
Currently, there is no card game as cheap as Hearthstone, which makes Lord Barov one of the most valuable cards in all of Scholomance Academy.
Discipline Gandling
Zoo Warlock players may have found the best new legendary card for their decks; The Gandling Disciplinary is super strong and clearly designed for these types of players.
Priest players might also find this card interesting, but Priest doesn't have as much utility as Warlock for the Disciplinarian Gandling to be viable.
This card also has very promising synergies with Deathrattle archetypes, which might benefit more from destroying their minions rather than summoning 4/4 students.
Knowledge Keeper Polkelt
Lorekeeper Polkelt is probably the most interesting legendary card released in the last couple of years.
It can be played in combo decks that look for specific cards or in control archetypes that look for strong endgame plays.
As it is a neutral and not too expensive card, many players will want to experiment with it.
Carried by
If you play Prime Legendaries in your decks, you might want to include a copy of Vectus in each one. This card guarantees you two extra copies of Prime minions in your deck.
Vectus also synergizes with any Deathrattle deck. Depending on how this synergy plays out in the upcoming season, beware of all Mass Dispel spells and other silence effects!
Ranger Omu
Kun the Forgotten King is back! Well, at least the mana-refreshing part.
Forest Warden Omu is a great Legendary card that will allow Big Druid players to execute very powerful combos once they reach 10 mana.
Here's how to use Forest Warden Omu on turn 10:
As a result, you will have one 9/8 minion, one 6/7 minion, and two 6/6 treants. That should be enough power to kill your opponent next turn if your opponent is off the board.
These are the top 15 cards in Hearthstone's Scholomance Academy set. For more Hearthstone card tips and lists, be sure to head over to our guides and lists page.