Ashes of Outland has been released, so we're seeing a bunch of new stuff hitting the meta! We take a look at the best mage decks you can play with in this expansion. The class has a bunch of new things to play with, so there are some new options to scale.
With any new expansion, you'll want to make sure you don't craft anything too soon. Mage got some cool new tools, but it's hard to say what's going to be strong for the next stages of the meta. All I'm saying is be careful when deciding which deck to pursue, and try to lean on the side of caution when investing your dust in any deck!
If you're looking for even more decks to try, check out our Best Ashes of Outlands Decks article!
The best mage decks for Ashes of Outland
As things have started to shake due to the dominance of Demon Hunter decks in the meta, it looks like the nerf things are starting to pick up for other classes. The caster mage class even has a few options available to them to try out! One of them being a new archetype that fits the class quite well.
The following decks are sort of the "standard" versions of archetypes that are working well in the game right now. We will present some more specific variants below.
Spell magic (no minions)
A brand new archetype for the Mage class, and one that really fits the theme of this spell casting style of play. This is a deck with no minions, which leaves things a bit up to RNG. However, it's not as wild as the old style Casino Mage decks. Instead of hoping for arcane missiles to hit the right targets, you just hope your summoning spells will get you powerful minions! At the end of the game, you will hope for powerful spells, because Evocation can be a finisher if it fills your hand with the right kind of options.
It's too early to tell if this game will continue to stand the test of time, but things are starting to look up now that Demon Hunter has been tempered a bit.
stomach | Neutral |
1x β Evocation | |
2x β Font of Power | |
2x β Learn the Draconic | |
2x β Ray of Frost | |
2x β Ancient Mysteries | |
2x β Frostbolt | |
2x - Casting Flux | |
2x - Arcane Intelligence | |
2x β Flame Ward | |
1x β Ice Barrier | |
2x β Netherwind Portal | |
2x β Fireball | |
2x β Apexis Blast | |
2x - Blizzard | |
1x β Deep Freeze | |
2x β Power of Creation | |
1x β The Incredible Reno |
Bridge code
AAECAf0EBO0EjLYDxbgD3sQDDbsCyQOrBJYFn5sDoJsDv6QD9KsD8a8DwbgDwrgDjLkDgb8DAA ==
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Highlander Mage
The mage can still put together a pretty solid roster of singletons if you like that style of play. This deck leans heavily on Dragon synergy, which happened in the Descent of Dragons set. The game doesn't feature much Ashes of Outland, but Arcane Amplifier currently makes the cut. It's an interesting card, gives your hero a bit more oomph if this thing sticks around long enough to use it!
stomach | Neutral |
1x β Arcane Breath | 1x β Doomsayer |
1x β Learn the Draconic | 1x β Zephrys the Great |
1x β Ray of Frost | 1x β Scaler |
1x β Ancient Mysteries | 1x β Bone Specter |
1x β Frostbolt | 1x β Twilight Drake |
1x β Arcane Amplifier | 1x β Gros Ol 'Whelp |
1x - Arcane Intelligence | 1x β Cobalt Spellkin |
1x β Flame Ward | 1x - Wyrm Γ©vasif |
1x β Frost Nova | 1x - Khartut Defender |
1x β Ice Barrier | 1x β Twin Tyrant |
1x β Azure Explorer | 1x β Dragonqueen Alexstrasza |
1x β Conjurer's Call | |
1x β Fireball | |
1x β Polymorph | |
1x - Blizzard | |
1x β Dragoncaster | |
1x - Reno le relicologue | |
1x β Flamestrike | |
1x β Power of Creation |
Bridge code
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More Mage variants
These are more customized versions of decks from previous archetypes. Some will contain tech cards used to fight certain decks in the meta.
Zeddy's Legend Spell Wizard #92
Very little difference between this and the standard Spell Mage, but Zeddy proves the concept works at high legend.
stomach | Neutral |
1x β Evocation | |
2x β Font of Power | |
2x β Learn the Draconic | |
2x β Magic Trick | |
2x β Ray of Frost | |
2x β Ancient Mysteries | |
2x - Casting Flux | |
2x - Arcane Intelligence | |
2x β Flame Ward | |
2x β Frost Nova | |
2x β Ice Barrier | |
2x β Apexis Blast | |
2x - Blizzard | |
2x β Deep Freeze | |
2x β Power of Creation | |
1x β The Incredible Reno |
Bridge code
AAECAf0EAoy2A8W4Aw7JA6sEywTtBJ + bA6CbA / + dA7 + kA / SrA / GvA8G4A4y5A4G / A97EAwA =
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EL7TE's # 93 Legend Highlander Mage
A different variant of Highlander Mage by EL7TE that was more specifically designed to deal with Demon Hunters.
stomach | Neutral |
1x β Arcane Breath | 1x β Doomsayer |
1x β Ray of Frost | 1x β Zephrys the Great |
1x β Solar Astromancer | 1x β Scaler |
1x β Caster's Flux | 1x β Bone Specter |
1x β Khadgar | 1x β Escaped Manasaber |
1x β Starscryer | 1x β Twilight Drake |
1x β Arcane Amplifier | 1x β Alexstrasza |
1x - Arcane Intelligence | 1x β Dragonqueen Alexstrasza |
1x β Frost Nova | |
1x β Conjurer's Call | |
1x β Malygos, Aspect of Magic | |
1x β Rolling Fireball | |
1x - Blizzard | |
1x β Dragoncaster | |
1x - Reno le relicologue | |
1x β Flamestrike | |
1x β Deep Freeze | |
1x β Power of Creation | |
1x β Tortollan Pilgrim | |
1x β Kalecgos | |
1x β Yogg-Saron Puzzle Box | |
1x β The Incredible Reno |
Bridge code
AAECAY0WHooByQOrBMUEywTsB40Ig5YDlpoDn5sDoJsDip4DwqED / KMDi6QDkqQD8qUD + qwD7K8D8K8Dh7EDkbEDhLYDiLYDjLYD4bYDwbgD97gDjAAD =
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This is all the best meta decks for Mage right now in the Ashes of Outland Hearthstone expansion! We will add more rosters in the future as things start to stabilize after the rotation.