Hearthstone releases its latest Year of the Phoenix expansion with Madness at the Darkmoon Faire! This will bring a bunch of new cards, mechanics, and novelties that will shake up the meta! With just about every Hearthstone expansion, it brings many new decks and ways to play, so there's no doubt it will do the same. You can expect this one to release pretty soon, so make sure your gold and wallet are ready to empty on some packs!
New Mechanic: Corrupted
With each expansion, we usually get a new mechanic, and Darkmoon Faire is no different. Corrupt is the new addition to the game, and if you throw a higher cost card into your hand than a card with Corrupt on it, then it will become Corrupted and get a big buff! So you are rewarded for holding corrupted cards until you can cast a higher cost card to get the bonus!
New cards
Fortune teller
Fleethoof Pearltusk
Fortune teller
Guess the weight
Silas Shadowmoon
Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate
Here's a preview of the wheel you'll be spinning! Each option has a 19% chance of being cast, except for Rod of Roasting which has a 5% chance.
C'Thun, the Broken
Here are the pieces of C'Thun that will be added to your deck! If you can play them all, you will create C'Thun again which will deal 30 damage split among all enemies!