Monster Hunter Rise's striped skin is just one of many elusive crafting materials from Capcom's action-RPG. However, unlike some of the other items you'll need to forge weapons and armor, it's thankfully available in both low and high rank quests. You just need to know where to look for their locations.
This Monster Hunter Rise guide will tell you exactly where to look and where to spend your time farming Striped Hide.
How to Get Striped Hide in Monster Hunter Rise
Striped Hide is primarily used to craft the low and high rank Remobra armor sets, though it is also used to forge a handful of weapons, such as Graceful Death I and Calamitous Portent II. Chances are you're looking for Striped Hide for the armor, so here's where to get it.
Only one small monster can be sculpted for Striped Hide in Monster Hunter Rise, and that's the Remobra. Remobra are sleek flying monsters that are always found in key areas on some maps, and they are never listed in the "Other Monsters" section when choosing a quest.
You can kill Remobra in low or high rank quests and slash them for a chance to receive a striped hide. They can be found in High Sanctuary Ruins in Area 5, Frost Isles in Areas 7 and 10, and Sandy Plains in Areas 7 and 12.
Bringing a Palico with Pilfer can make it easier to get Remobra's Striped Hide.
Related Guides
That's it for how to get Striped Hide in Monster Hunter Rise. Check out our other Monster Hunter Rise guides for more help getting forging materials and taking down key monsters.