Magnamalo is Monster Hunter Rise's flagship monster. Naturally, facing him is one of the toughest challenges in the game. This doubles for the first encounter which happens quite early in the game.
Our Monster Hunter Rise Magnamalo guide explains how to get the most out of the beast, including its weaknesses, strategies for defeating it, and the materials it drops.
Monster Hunter Rise Magnamalo Weaknesses
Magnamalo is equally weak to blunt and damage reduction for the most part, but much more resistant to ammo.
Do not take your crossbows into this battle. Magnamalo's elemental weaknesses are few, so ditch the guns for you and your Palamute. Water is the best bet, but if you have Thunderbugs, be sure to take those as well.
Magnamalo's weakest areas are his head and his weapons. These are the two areas where you least want to see the beast's attack patterns unless it's stunned or knocked down, though targeting them has a higher chance of getting Magnamalo parts. Magnamalo's other weak point is his tail.
Magnamalo's back is weaker to bludgeoning damage, while edged weapons do more damage to his tail.
Magnamalo's only other notable weakness is water. You'll have access to Royal Ludroth gear by the time your first Magnamalo fight rolls around, and it's your best bet to exploit Magnamalo's elemental weaknesses.
Really, though, your best bet is simply your strongest weapon.
Conseils Magnamalo
Despite the crackling electricity that surrounds Magnamalo, he is not a thunder element monster. Instead, he uses Hellfire, which is quite difficult to defend against. Deodorant can help cure Hellfireblight if it hits you, so be sure to bring some. Otherwise, the best Magnamalo armor is the one you have the strongest at the time.
Magnamalo goes fast. Prioritize weapons with better mobility if you're having trouble keeping up. Dual Blades with their second switch skill increase your damage and evasion even more than the base Demon Mode. Sword and Shield have the added benefit of blocking in addition to easier movement.
You'll find Rathian and Great Izuchi stalking around the shrine ruins during the Magnamalo fight, and if you read that as "giant monster ammo," you read that right. Pitting either of them against Magnamalo triggers Wyvern Riding for one of the fighters. Ride Rathian or Izuchi and attack Magnamalo or have Magnamalo charge against walls repeatedly to help him wear down faster.
Another point to remember is to attack Magnamalo when his crackling energy appears. Attacking energized body parts has a higher chance of knocking Magnamalo down.
You can trap Magnamalo the same way as any monster, though it takes a few Tranq Bombs to finally end the fight. Still, trapping ends battles much sooner than killing the monster, so it's a good idea for your first fight against Magnamalo.
Magnamalo Parts
Here's what you'll get when fighting Magnamalo Low Rank, as well as what part he can possibly break from if any.
- Magnamalo scale (armblade)
- Coquille de Magnamalo
- Lame de Magnamalo (armblade)
- Magnamalo Scute (rear). This one cannot be obtained by sculpting, although it has a small chance of being a capture drop.
- Magnamalo Tail (carve reward, not tail break item)
- Magna Ghostprism (rear)
- Magnamalo Plate (very rare drop, 3% chance it's a puzzle item, 1% chance it's a body sculpting item)
- Magnamalo Horn (head)
- Wyvern Tear (dropped item only)
Magnamalo's high rank drops are essentially the same and just add "+" to the name with a few exceptions.
- Magna Soulprism (Enhanced Ghostprism, always found as back break drop)
- Purple Magna Orb (rare break reward or carving item)
That's all you need to know about Magnamalo's weaknesses and how to defeat them, but be sure to check out our other Monster Hunter Rise guides for more tips.