If you want to unlock more subs in Monster Hunter Rise, you'll need to gather Rock Roses, and there's only one place to do that.
Fortunately, Rock Roses is easy to find and it will only take you one expedition round to get everything you need for the Argosy quest. Our Monster Hunter Rise Rock Rose guide shows you exactly where to look for this unique item, which, as you'll see below, is actually classified as a unique item.
Locations – Monster Hunter Rise Rock Rose
The Rock Rose can only be found on the Rise's Sandy Plains map. Unlike other farmable items, Rock Rose is a unique find. This means that it is only found in specific locations and interacting with it will always result in the same item. The outcrop says "Unique Item: Desert Rose", but it's the Rock Rose. Surprise!
Sandy Plains has multiple areas to find Rock Rose in both levels, but with as confusing as navigating the map between levels can be, focusing on the upper level is easier and there are a few up there to take.
The image below shows where you can find Rock Rose.
You will need three Rock Roses for the Economic Stimulus Argosy quest to unlock another submarine. Any others you find are pretty much good for sale. At this time, we haven't found any other uses for Rock Rose, but we'll update if that changes.
Either way, it's worth following Rise's Rock Roses. More underwater locations means more chances to get exclusive and powerful weapons and armor. Plus, it keeps friends busy that you don't have a combat use for.
That's all you need to know about where to find Monster Hunter Rise's Rock Rose, but be sure to check out our other Monster Hunter Rise guides for more expert advice.