No one saves the list of world forms: how to unlock each form

No one saves the list of world forms: how to unlock each form

No one saves the list of world forms: how to unlock each form

Nobody Saves the World is an action RPG that eschews traditional classes to shapeshift into different forms. Each form is a different creature with its own set of stats and abilities that can be changed at will, and there are 18 forms in total.

This Nobody Saves the World guide will start by listing each form along with its unlock requirements. It will then provide a list of passive and active abilities for each form. This list does not include additional abilities that can be purchased from the store.

Nobody Saves the World: All Forms and Their Unlock Requirements

  • Person: This is the default form of the player character.
  • Rat: Unlocked in the opening dungeon.
  • Guard: Reach C rank with the Rat.
  • Ranger: Reach rank C with the Rat.
  • Egg: Reach rank B with the Rat.
  • Horse: Reach Rank C with the Guard.
  • Magician: Reach rank B with the guard.
  • Slug: Reach Rank C with the Ranger.
  • Bodybuilder: Reach Rank B with the Ranger.
  • Turtle: Reach rank C with the horse.
  • Monk: Reach Rank A with Horse and Wizard.
  • Zombie: Reach C rank with the magician.
  • Siren: Reach rank C with the Slug.
  • Rogue: Reach Rank A with the Slug and Bodybuilder.
  • Ghost: Reach Rank C with the Bodybuilder.
  • Robot: Reach Rank C with Turtle, Monk, and Zombie.
  • Necromancer: Reach C rank with Siren, Thief, and Ghost.
  • Dragon: Reach S Rank with Egg and C Rank with Robot and Necromancer.

All forms and their abilities

No one

  • Passive: No one has a passive.
  • Active: Slap
    • Physical bash attack that restores mana.

Rat form

  • Passive: Recovery
    • Health items also restore mana.
  • Active: Consume, gnaw, and detonate poison
    • Consume: Magical dark attack that transforms a percentage of damage dealt into health.
    • Gnaw: Magic dark attack that restores mana and creates poison.
    • Detonate Poison: Detonate all poisoned enemies on screen.

custody form

  • Passive: Bravado
    • 20% of attack damage transferred to bonus physical slash damage when health is low.
  • Active: Sword Slash, Stomp and Shield Bash
    • Sword Slash: Slashing physical attack that restores mana.
    • Stomp: Physical attack that knocks enemies back.
    • Shield Bash: Uses mana to block attacks. Deflects a percentage of all blocked damage.

egg shape

  • Passive: Hardened Shell
    • Minimize the maximum amount of damage a single attack can inflict on you.
  • Active: Incubate and Egg Roll
    • Incubate: Consume mana to recover health. Also deals magic light damage to nearby enemies.
    • Egg Roll: Physical attack that restores mana.

Ranger Form

  • Passive: Poisoned
    • All attacks produce poison.
  • Active: Charge Arrow, Flurry of Arrows and Dodge
    • Charge Arrow: Slashing physical attack that restores mana. Holding a charge increases the range, damage, and piercing ability of the attack.
    • Arrow Flurry: Strong physical attack that consumes mana in exchange for firing multiple arrows at once.
    • Dodge: Dodge forward while avoiding damage. Inflicts acute physical damage while dodging enemies.

horse form

  • Passive: Power
    • All signature horse attacks restore mana when destroying objects.
  • Active: bounce and canter
    • Kickback: Physical attack that restores mana. Also deals impact damage when enemies are knocked into each other or against walls.
    • Gallop: Physical attack that allows you to continuously ram into enemies. Consumes mana per second.

magician form

  • Passive: Stun Powder
  • Active: Pick a Card, Hat Trick, Confetti Bomb
    • Choose a card: magic light attack that restores mana.
    • Hat Trick: Use mana to summon AI-controlled pets. These pets deal slashing physical damage.
    • Confetti Bomb: A small bomb that has a chance to turn into a much bigger bomb. Deals magic light damage.

Slug form

  • Passive: Slug's Secret
    • Critical attacks deal bonus damage to enemies with status effects.
  • Active: Tear Burst, Slime Slide, and Blob Lob
    • Tear Burst: Launches a stream of tears like an automatic weapon. Deals light magic damage and restores mana.
    • Slime Slide: Magical dark attack that leaves behind a trail of sticky slime, inflicting slow status disease.
    • Blob Lob: A large concentrated tear that inflicts slow status disease. Deals magic light damage.

Bodybuilder form

  • Passive: Strongman
    • Attacks that knock enemies back deal impact damage when thrown into other enemies or walls.
  • Actif : Bench Press, Pump Up et Flex
    • Bench Press: Slow, physical attack that restores mana.
    • Pump Up: Grants an attack buff, which stacks multiple times. Also inflicts hit damage to nearby enemies upon activation.
    • Flex: Physical attack that creates a whirlwind of fists, damaging anyone nearby.

turtle form

  • Passive: Quick Charge
    • Reduces ability charge time.
  • Actif: Hell Shell, Water Spray et Slow and Steady
    • Hell Shell: A charged physical attack that allows you to ram enemies. Restores mana.
    • Water Jet: Consumes mana to spray water at enemies, dealing light magic damage.
    • Slow and steady: Grants a defense buff, which accumulates multiple times. Inflicts physical damage to nearby enemies during activation.

monk form

  • Passive: Punishment
    • Stuns and has a chance to strike enemies with lightning when healed or damaged.
  • Active: Palm Pummel, Holy Light and Bless Me
    • Palm Pummel: Physical attack that stuns and restores mana. Can be charged to restore additional mana.
    • Holy Light: Consumes mana to summon a hail of holy light, dealing magic light damage while active.
    • Bless Me: Consume mana to heal yourself and pets.

zombie form

  • Passive: Zomnomnom
    • The percentage of damage dealt is restored as health.
  • Active: Clawmbie and Zombite
    • Clawmbie: Magic dark attack that restores mana. Can be tasked with adding a slit property for additional damage.
    • Zombite: Consumes mana to infect enemies, turning them into familiars upon death. Deals dark magic damage.

mermaid shape

  • Passive: Siren Resolution
    • The percentage of damage received is restored as mana.
  • Actif : Water Burst, Tail Swipe et Aqua Barrier
    • Water Blast: Water projectile that deals magic light damage and restores mana. Can be loaded for a bigger splash of water.
    • Tail Swipe: Consume mana to dash towards enemies, dealing physical damage with your tail.
    • Aqua Barrier: Consumes mana to create a barrier that blocks an attack. Also deflects a percentage of attack damage.

Thief Form

  • Passive: Motivated by money
    • Picking up money reduces all cooldowns.
  • Active: fan of knives, cloak and dagger and caltrops
    • Knife Fan: A knife throwing combo performed by pressing the button multiple times. Restores mana and inflicts acute physical damage. Can also be charged to increase the damage and range of the next attack.
    • Cloak & Dagger: Consume mana to turn invisible, then perform a critical stab attack from behind. Inflicts slashing physical damage.
    • Caltrops: Spikes thrown to the ground that stun, inflicting acute physical damage in the process.

ghost form

  • Passive: Scary
  • Active: Boo and Ethereal
    • Boo: Creates an aura around the character, damaging any enemy that touches this aura.
    • Ethereal: Consumes mana to pass through enemies and attacks.

Robot form

  • Passive: plated steel
    • Reduce incoming damage while inflicting acute physical damage to nearby enemies.
  • Active: Lightning Drill, Ravager Rocket, and Tempest Barrage
    • Lightning Drill: Magical light attack that restores mana. Can be loaded to turn the punch into a continuous drill.
    • Ravager Rocket: Consume mana to fire a rocket with a 100% chance to deal critical damage. Counts as a physical attack.
    • Tempest Barrage: Consume mana to fire a series of homing missiles that target multiple enemies. Deals dark magic damage.

Necromancer Form

  • Passive: Blood Pact
    • Percentage of damage dealt heals pets.
  • Active: Necrotic Bolt, Summon Demon, and Blood Sacrifice
    • Necrotic Lightning: Magical dark attack that restores mana.
    • Summon Demon: Consume mana to cast a circle that revives enemy corpses as pets. Inflicts Dark damage.
    • Blood Sacrifice: Sacrifice the pet with the lowest health for 2 attack buffs. Also generates an explosion that deals Dark damage.

dragon form

  • Passive: Dread of the Dragon
    • Increases critical attack chance against status affected enemies.
  • Active: Clawmbo, Fireball and Breath of Fire
    • Clawmbo: Slashing physical attack that restores mana. Press the button to move your claws. Holding a charge results in a dash that leaves behind a trail of lava that deals magic light damage and creates the burn status disease.
    • Fireball: Consumes mana to spit a fireball. Holding a charge leaves a pool of lava that creates the scorched state. Inflicts light damage.
    • Breath of Fire: Breathe in a stream of fire, which stacks burn status disease. Inflicts light damage.

And that's the complete list of all forms in Nobody Saves the World, including how to unlock them and the abilities they provide. If you're looking to catch The Cactagon Achievement, but don't know where the Gulp is, we've got a guide for that here.

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