While we have to wait until October 13 before being able to take advantage of the PlayStation Stars service in Spain, Sony Interactive Entertainment's new loyalty program is already at the heart of a controversy on the day of its launch in Asia, and more particularly in Japan. In question, its system of prioritizing players according to their level of progression, knowing that there are four in total. Upon reaching the fourth and final stage of the program, one immediately gains access to better customer support. Only problem, to access this 4th level, it is imperative to buy 4 full price games on the PlayStation Store (4 x 80€ therefore), which then gives access to a special reward in the form of a commemorative collector's item. A totem that allows you to be privileged when contacting customer service and to be given priority in the order of discussions. Quickly, shields like voices rose to find the service absolutely unfair and unfair. Some Japanese netizens explain that not everyone has the financial means to access the fourth level of the program, that Sony should rather favor newcomers rather than regulars, because they will be more likely to need help. On Twitter, the debate is raging among Japanese gamers and remains to be seen whether Sony will make any adjustments for the European launch scheduled in a few weeks...
【ニュース】PS4/PS5向け特典プログラムPlayStation Stars国内でスタート。ポイントがもらえ、レベルを上げればカスタマーサポートも優先順位上がるhttps://t.co/R5hjUYK0oW pic.twitter.com/HnecYI4Ur1
— AUTOMATON (@AUTOMATONJapan) 29 septembre 2022