STALKER 2: the release of the game postponed to 2023, Microsoft announces the bad news

    STALKER 2: the release of the game postponed to 2023, Microsoft announces the bad news
    Strangely absent during the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase which took place yesterday, STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl - which was due to arrive on December 8th - will not be released before 2023. This is indeed what Microsoft announced yesterday by unveiling the list of games that will be available in the next twelve months on Xbox and PC. It must be said that the development of the title is far from being a long calm river: between a first postponement and the temporary interruption of work due to the war in Ukraine, keeping the schedule became almost mission impossible for GSC Game World.


    — Xbox (@Xbox) 12 juin 2022
    For the moment, the Ukrainian studio has not yet officially expressed itself on the subject, but there is no doubt that it will be keen to explain to fans why STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl will arrive later than expected.

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