There is also a confusion that revolves around the interview with Anthony Mackie, since the Extra TV channel was downright wrong in the title of his video posted on YouTube channel. It is mentioned that Anthony Mackie talks about the filming of Captain America 4 when it is indeed Twisted Metal he is talking about. This is all the more obvious since he does not speak at any time of the Marvel film, of which we still do not know the director. We just know that the film will arrive in 2024 for Phase 5 of the MCU, alongside Blade, The Fantastic 4, Shang-Chi 2 and Deadpool 3.
For a few hours, an itw from Anthony Mackie (at the microphone of Extra TV) makes us believe that he is talking about the filming of Captain America 4, when it is that of the Twisted Metal series. Filming starts in a few weeks, while that of Cap4 will be launched in 2023.
– Maxime CHAO (@MaximeChao) April 13, 2022

Produced by PlayStation Productions, the Twisted Metal series is one of those projects that Sony wants to highlight among these most prestigious licenses. The choice may seem surprising since we haven't had a new video game for 10 years, but it may be a way to rekindle interest around it. We also know that it is Michael Jonathan Smith, one of the executive producers of the hit series Cobra Kai, who will ensure the good precoding of things. He will not be alone to bring the project to the small screen, since Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, who worked on Zombieland and Deadpool, with the promise of a vitaminized action comedy. The story of Twisted Metal will tell how a marginal man (played by Anthony Mackie) will find himself having to deliver a mysterious package, forcing him to cross post-apocalyptic settings. Mad Max atmosphere with madmen aboard destruction cars and who have only one goal: to steal people; this is the promise of this series which will be broadcast on Peacock TV. In Spain, no broadcaster has been announced so far.