Before adding: "Each of the missions will include a lot of things - a lot of action, a lot of enemies; there will really be a lot to do. Again, this is what guides us during the development of Wo Long. That's what we know how to do best, and we want to make sure that's reflected in the gameplay." For his part, Masaaki Yamagiwa believes that the morale system is one of the strengths of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. “We are convinced that there are still a lot of possibilities to improve our approach which is more linear, assures the one who was the producer of Bloodborne. For example, Wo Long has a morale system: if you beat a powerful enemy, your morale level will increase, and it will continue if you eliminate others. Later, by taking a look at the map, you can ask yourself: 'Which path can I take with my current level of morale? ?' [...] If you die, your morale level is likely to go down, so you say to yourself, 'I'm going to take this path where there are no opponents in order to keep my morale level intact, and stay that way. powerful', or else: 'Maybe I'll take this path where there are strong enemies, and thus increase my level of morale even more.'"

He adds: "And then, as your morale level goes up, you can access spells. [...] So that can also have an impact on your desire to reach a certain level of morale. For example, is it vital for you to have this or that magic power? It's all part of this strategy that you're going to put in place as you explore the surroundings. It's something that has never been seen before. in any game and that we are pushing." Playable during the last Tokyo Game Show 2022, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty was also the subject of a demo on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PS5, which allowed us to face a first boss as evidenced by the video below.
For the record, the release of the game is set for 2023 on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PS5 therefore, but also on PS4, Xbox One and PC.