As you explore the land of the immortal Fenyx Rising, unlock abilities and roam the land on your epic mount! You will undoubtedly encounter treasure chests that you cannot open. So how do you open them? We have what you need!
How to skip time
To skip time in Immortals Fenyx Rising, all you need is to press and hold the T key if you're playing on PC, or if you're playing on consoles, hold the Options/Start button on your lever pressed. This will cause Fenyx to sit on the ground and time will pass according to the current time.
If it is daytime in Immortals Fenyx Rising, skipping time will make it nighttime and, of course, vice versa. Skipping time helps you when exploring because there are two types of chest. Day chests and night chests, so depending on the time of day some are locked and some can be opened.
Also, when you are resting i.e. time skipping you have the option to reset Mythic Challenges which is handy if you are struggling to complete one as they can become quite complicated as you progress through the game. Mythic Challenges become available once you reach the Hall of Gods. However, remember, only skip time when it is safe!
It might seem boring to keep skipping time of day, but chests are definitely worth it, especially if you want to have an easier time with the game, as they contain upgrade materials and equipment. level.
Immortals Fenyx Rising has autosave, but it's best to know how to save manually. Also, why not learn how to heal, increase your maximum health and stamina, and tame a mount to travel the world faster!