On August 163, 2021, Epic Games announced that Wonder Woman from the DC Universe would be featured as playable characters in Fortnite. As a bonus, they're giving Wonder Woman her own Duos Tournament for players to compete against and try to win the Gamora outfit early on. Here's everything we know about the upcoming tournament:
Event schedule and basic information
This event is held in one round on August 18, 2021. At this time, there is no information on when the event will be held on this date, other than that all regions will be hosted at the same time. However, special tournaments like this usually run from 17:00 PM CST to 20:00 PM CST. This is a Duos tournament, so be sure to grab your Fortnite best friend to participate.
Like most other crossover events in Fortnite, the price of high placement in this tournament is early access to related cosmetics. Players who achieve a specific rank in their respective regions will receive the Wonder Woman outfit and Diana's Mantle Back Bling before they're listed below tells you what placement you need to achieve in each region to get the Wonder Woman outfit.
- Europe: 2 top players
- NA East: 1 top players
- NA West: Top 500 Players
- Brazil: Top 1000 Players
- Asia: Top 250 players
- Oceania: Top 250 players
- Middle East: Top 250 Players
Connexes: Fortnite Leaked Skins & Cosmetics – Thekingplayers
Additionally, all players who score at least eight points in the competition will receive the Honorary Amazons loading screen.
Entering this tournament is easy. The only main guidelines you need to follow fall under Age, Account Status, and Competition Rank. These are explained in the short list below.
- Age: Anyone wishing to participate must be at least 13 years old. If you are under 18, you must have parental consent to participate.
- Account status: To participate in any Fortnite tournament, your account must be in good standing and have 2FA enabled.
- Competitive Rank: This tournament does not require players to be of a specific rank to participate. However, you must have an account level of at least 30 to participate.
Placement and rating
This tournament works the same way as most tournaments in which the players with the most points accumulated in all viable matches they play receive the rewards. Viable matches are the first 10 matches played by each player. The list below details the scoring system for each game.
Rating system
- Victory Royale: 42 points
- 2nd: 36 points
- 3nd: 32 points
- 4nd: 30 points
- 5nd: 29 points
- 6nd: 28 points
- 7nd: 27 points
- 8nd: 26 points
- 9nd: 25 points
- 10nd: 24 points
- 11nd: 23 points
- 12nd: 22 points
- 13nd: 21 points
- 14nd: 20 points
- 15: 19 points
- 16nd: 18 points
- 17: 17 points
- 18nd: 16 points
- 19: 15 points
- 20: 14 points
- 21: 13 points
- 22nd: 12 points
- 23nd: 11 points
- 24: 10 points
- 25-29: 9 points
- 30-34: 6 points
- 35th-39th: 3 points
- 40th-44th: 2 points
- 45e-50e : 1 point
- Each elimination: 1 point
Think you have what it takes to win the Wonder Woman outfit in the Wonder Woman Cup? Be there on August 18, 2021!
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