We're looking at some step-by-step video guides on how to draw Fortnite skins! If you're new to sketching or digital art, then getting familiar with drawing early in your life is a great way to quickly master it. Don't worry if you're just starting out, these tutorials are easy to follow and will have you producing beautiful works of art. Even if it doesn't turn out the way you wanted, know that every time you pick up a pencil and try it again in the future, you'll gain more and more skill!
Drawing is a skill that requires lots of repetition. While you can't draw things like you see online, just know that the people who created this art have been drawing for many years. So be sure to keep practicing and you'll get to a point where you can match or exceed anything you've seen!
How to draw Fortnite skins
Here's where we'll include videos with step-by-step instructions on how to draw a variety of skins! These videos are from the great Cartooning Club YouTube channel. I recommend giving them an overview of more Fortnite stuff and if you want to expand your drawing outside of Fortnite.
Pencil case
Kit is new to Chapter 2: Season 3 and is the son of the Muscular Meowscles. Although he is not yet as tall as his father, he is smart enough to take control of a robot and a unicycle? The little kitten is a popular cosmetic this season, so learning how to draw it is a great way to introduce you to more detailed art in the future!
When you get more advanced, you can try sketching them in their fullest form (click to enlarge):
Pencil case
Featured Kit PNG
Midas was the level 100 skin in Chapter 2: Season 2! It is immensely popular and tops the charts of the best Fortnite skins of all time. It's a fairly simple skin, but the gold accents and clean looks have massively appealed to gamers. Not only that, but you can use it in its ghost or shadow varieties and even cover it in gold!
When you get more advanced, you can try sketching them in their fullest form (click to enlarge):
Midas – Tier 100
Midas in star PNG
Meowscles is the muscle-bound cat skin from Chapter 2: Season 2! Her outfit is quite interesting, but if you had a body like hers, you probably wouldn't be wearing a shirt either! He's both a cute kitty and also awfully strong, so don't underestimate him.
When you get more advanced, you can try sketching them in their fullest form (click to enlarge):
Meowscles – Level 60
Meowscles in showgirl PNG
Agent peely
Peely has been an enduring character through the various seasons of Fortnite. He's now taken on the mantle of a secret agent and is looking to infiltrate this whole Ghost and Shadow situation. No longer the clumsy Peely who was turned into a mixer drink by Jonesy!
When you get more advanced, you can try sketching them in their fullest form (click to enlarge):
Agent Peely – Level 1
Agent Peely in showgirl PNG
Cuddle team leader
Cuddle Team Leader was one of the first mascot skins to hit Fortnite. This skin is quite synonymous with the game now, and if anyone has ever seen anything about Fortnite, they will no doubt recognize it.
When you get more advanced, you can try sketching them in their fullest form (click to enlarge):
Cuddle team leader
Cuddle Team Leader PNG en vedette
Although you might think Jellie is a jellyfish, it's actually some kind of sea anemone. They're creatures that usually live on the sea floor and are actually related to jellyfish, so they're not too far off . It's a very different skin as it's one of the few skins without actual clothing! Jellie has a few details, but overall you love this skin for the happy attitude and coloring.
When you get more advanced, you can try sketching them in their fullest form (click to enlarge):
Jellie stars in PNG
Raven is one of the most popular skins to ever come to Fortnite. He's super unique with his all-dark clothes, feather ornaments, and glowing purple eyes. If you're looking for something a little more difficult to draw, Raven's details make her a great option to try!
When you get more advanced, you can try sketching them in their fullest form (click to enlarge):
Raven a vedette PNG
Rippley is the result of some weird science going on in the Slurp factory. However, now that he's here, he's actually quite cute and seems like a generally nice guy! Just be aware of his alter ego Sludge, as he's not overly friendly.
When you get more advanced, you can try sketching them in their fullest form (click to enlarge):
Rippley vs Sludge
Rippley a vedette PNG
Merry Marauder (Gingerbread Skin)
The Merry Marauder skin is a popular option for all Christmas fans. Although I always remember him as the grumpy version of the frown, now you can reverse that frown and make him happy again! One of the best skins in early Fortnite, due to the amount of character it has, while still maintaining a clean look!
When you get more advanced, you can try sketching them in their fullest form (click to enlarge):
happy marauder
Merry Marauder Featured Skin