We want to let you know that there is no shame in coming here. Fortnite has changed its control scheme more than once and you might not be used to the new layout. We're here to cover everything Fortnite, as simple as it sounds. That's why we explain how to crouch in Fortnite.
How to crouch in Fortnite
You probably came here for one of two reasons: either you switched from one type of system to another (e.g. PC to console), or you haven't played in so long that the layout has changed. We're going to cover all the ways to crouch in Fortnite on every platform!
Console platforms (PlayStation, Xbox, Switch)
Current standard
The newest control scheme for consoles allows you to crouch by pressing the right stick. In most games this forces your player to sprint, but in Fortnite it enforces the opposite. An important note is that it changes whether you are crouched or not. You must press again to return to the permanent state.
Classic Version / Builder Pro
You have the option to switch to the old controller scheme or the Quick Builder controller scheme, which is more popular with creators. If you switch to one of these, the crouch button will look different. Instead of pressing the right stick, you will need to press the left bumper (L1 on PS4/PS5). This will change the crouching status. To get up, press the same button.
You are using a keyboard on the PC, so the control scheme is very different. Still, squatting is simple. To switch between crouching and standing, simply press the left Ctrl key. This applies to both the current standard and the old school control system. The location of the key on the keyboard is shown in the image above.
You now know all the options for squatting. Stay hidden!
If you need the most complete coverage for Season 6, check out our complete Chapter 2 Season 6 guide for challenges, cosmetics, mechanics, and more!