This quest was more or less a week 5 quest, however, many were unable to complete it due to issues. It's back for week 6, where you have to deploy Alien Nanites somewhere other than Holly Hatchery.
This is one of those quests that is incredibly simple, if you're lucky, as alien nanites spawn in chests and are fairly rare to start with. They can also be found in floor loot but are just as rare. They are more likely to be found if you loot in areas where kidnappers spawn.
Related: How to damage an alien led saucer in Fortnite Chapter, 2 Season 7 Week 6?
If you complete the mini-battle game after being abducted on the mothership inside the loot room, you also have a chance of finding alien nanites.
Once you have acquired Alien Nanites, to complete the quest you just need to throw them like a grenade. This will create a low gravity environment section for anyone who gets caught inside, which will be quite shocking if unexpected.
Holly Hedges was a great place to find them, but it looks like for this week 6 quest you need to find them somewhere else.
Check out our Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 7 Guide - Challenges and Information