Officialized during Sony Interactive Entertainment's last State of Play, the remake of Resident Evil 4 already promises to be more terrifying than the original version released on GameCube in 2005. "Ganados are the main enemies of the game, explained Yasuhiro Anpo and Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, the game's director and producer respectively. Getting attacked by hordes of Ganados is one of the most terrifying experiences in the game. madness", we have completely redesigned their design. [...] The third person view is back, of course! Leon arrives in a dense and dangerous forest. We want to emphasize the feeling of loneliness and fear of the unknown, even more so than in the original game."
Recently, YouTuber ElAnalistaDeBits made a comparison video comparing the raw scenes of Resident Evil 4 and those retouched from the remake. Obviously, the beginning of the game has been the subject of special care, from the first steps in the dark forest to the meeting with the first infected villager, passing by the village which already gives off something unhealthy. In short, the atmosphere of Resident Evil 4 Remake should be even more moist and scary. For the record, the release of the game is scheduled for March 24, 2023 on PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PS5.