If you've managed to get the required 10 points in the #FreeFortnite Cup, you're probably wondering when you'll receive the Tart Tycoon skin. Well, it's going to be a bit longer than expected, you won't get rewarded instantly because it's not even in the game yet! We'll tell you exactly how long you can expect to receive it in this article.
You'll get Epic's Apple skin within three weeks of the end of the event. It could be further delayed, but it's highly unlikely. I would expect the skin to be free within a week, but they may need to stretch it more. This is in accordance with the official rules for the #FreeFortnite Cup, which you can view here.
Tart Tycoon
Unfortunately, you're just going to have to wait a bit for it to be released by Epic. They're gearing up for the big Chapter 2 Season 4 launch, so you can expect the cosmetic to be added to the files as soon as the big 14.00 patch goes live. Once it's actually been added to the game, it shouldn't take long to be received!