We're now into Week 12 of Fortnite Chapter 7 Season 2, which means we're up against a new set of Legendary Challenges. One of this week's legendary challenges is to craft a weapon with alien nanites. In the guide below, we explain how to do it.
Alien nanites are randomly placed on the Fortnite island each match. There is no set spawn point for them, but they have been known to spawn more often in Guardian Towers and inside Mothership loot boxes. However, you should come across at least one when roaming the map in a match. They look like Rubik's Cubes with extra steps. You can see an example of this in the image below, framed in red.
This image also provides an example of crafting a weapon with alien nanites for this week's Legendary Quests. The first thing you'll need to do is get two things: alien nanites and a weapon that can be combined with them, such as an assault rifle, sniper rifle, or submachine gun.
En relation: Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7 Week 12 Legendary Quest Cheat Sheet et guide
When you have obtained the items mentioned above, open your inventory (tab on the PC or top on the D-Pad for consoles) and proceed to the crafting menu. Select the weapon you want to combine with the Nanites (highlighted in yellow in the image above). Then select Crafting.
The item you craft depends on the weapon you combined with the alien nanites. Combining the weapons below with Nanites will result in the following weapon.
- Sniper Rifle: Rail Gun
- Assault Rifle: Pulse Rifle
- Submachine gun: Ray Gun
Once you have completed the above steps, the quest will be marked as complete!
Head over to our Leaked Skins page and see what cosmetics might drop in the future. The complete new season guide is here in our hub for Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 7 Guide – Challenges & Information!