Breakflip is now media partner of Pas de Bol, the professional gamer and streamer of Teamfight Tactics. Thanks to this partnership, we will offer you a new appointment with each patch : the Compo de Pas de Bol! In this particular guide, he will present his current composition to you, with his expertise as a Challenger player.
We will discuss in detail all the concepts to understand in order to play the composition, such as the champions to play, Program, important objects, hextech augmentations, positioning tips...
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The Reroll Twitch composition with Assassin and Techno-Chemist by Pas de Bol
The absolute basis of this composition is the combination of Twitch, singed, Zac, Lisandra et Dr. World who give 5 Techno-chemists (Chemtech). You want slow roll at level 5 to get 3 star Twitch, and if possible 3 stars also.
You also always want to play a second Scholar (Scholar) : the 5 mana every 2 seconds allows Twitch with blue buff cast much more regularly. The rest of the composition is to be adapted according to your emblems or your Hearts.
If you have an Emblem or a Heart Techno-chemist, you can play 7 Techno-chemists and only play 2 Assassins, or even play 9 Techno-chemists at the end of the game even if it means not playing a second Assassin.
Indeed, as Pas de Bol explains: “Assassin is not that important on Twitch, it's a bit of a received idea that it's essential. It's good but the 5 Techno-Chemists and Scholar are better. This is valid unless you have an Emblem. With an emblem Assassin, you want to play 2 or even 4 Assassins. At the start of the game, Heel is the best Assassin to have, but Echo takes this place in the late game for its utility.
Finally if you don't have any of that, you can always play a taric or a seraphine at level 8 to give you a space Celebrities (Socialite).
When to play the Twitch Reroll comp and what are the win conditions?
This composition is not to be forced on all parties, but Pas de Bol recommends a few conditions to consider it:
- “You need to have at least two of the components that allow you to make the main objects of Twitch,
blue buff,
Last breath et
Blades of infinity. It's good to already have one
training glove, they are not easy to find in general. »
- "All the same, you have to be quick enough 2 star Twitch and you have some singed.
This composition can go play for a top 1 if you meet a few conditions:
- “Obviously you have to have 3 star Twitch with good items.
- Find it Now Scholar (Scholar) fast enough because it allows Twitch to be much stronger in the mid / late game
- The positioning is the key in the late game, it's what usually determines the success of this composition
The stuff to favor on Twitch
Twitch (carry principal)

Build typical (BiS)
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“Last Breath is the biggest of the three, after Infinity Edge and Blue Buff are about as big. »
Last breath : Twitch is a physical DPS, so he needs this item to hold his own against champions who have armor.
His other two best items are, you want at least one of them.
blue buff : Twitch only has 35 mana, so with a blue Buff it casts every 2 attacks. With Scholar generating 5 mana every 2 seconds, half the time he only needs one attack.
Infinity blade : Twitch's spell can crit, so Infinity Edge multiplies its damage perfectly.
Here are the other options you can consider if you can't find his three perfect items:
Doom Blade : It offers a lot of damage to Twitch since it is 3 stars.
Ouragan de Runaan : This item can replace Blue Buff as they don't really work together. He focuses your Twitch more on his basic attacks rather than his spell.
Ultra-fast cannon : As with the Runaan, this item can replace the Blue Buff.
giant slayer : If applicable, this object may be an acceptable third option.
Twitch should always be played without a defensive object. “He doesn't need it most of the time. Afterwards, you have to position yourself well. »
Other Interesting Items
Here are the other objects to consider in the composition, in order of priority.
Techno-Chemist Emblem (
) or
Assassin Emblem (
) : If you have the opportunity to take a Spatula, take the. L'Techno-Chemist Emblem can go on shaco ou Echo, while theAssassin Emblem go on Lisandra.
Morellonomicon on Lissandra : This object is always interesting in a composition.
frozen heart on Ekko : The attack speed slow in the opponent's backline can be extremely powerful.
Defensive Items for Singed : Singed can carry your remaining defensive items, like Gargoyle's Lithoplastron, Or
Warmog Armor for example.
Power Items for Lissandra: Lissandra can be a good secondary carry, especially if changed to Assassin. You can put things like Rabadon's Headdress,
Precious Gauntlet,
Archangel Staff ou
Guardian angel.
Course of the game
here is a example part of the Twitch Reroll composition played by Pas de Bol on stream, at a Challenger 1000+ LP level.
Early game (Stage 2)
Since this is a comp where you want 3-star champions, the important thing is to prioritize your economy at the start of the game. You want to pass the economy levels (10 gold, 20 gold, 30 gold...) as soon as possible, and this without ever buying experience during Stage 2.
In fact, most often it is interesting to voluntarily make a losing streak because your board will not be very strong. Try to save as much HP as possible by doing " good loss » (lose the round by killing as many enemy units as possible).
To do so, a champion like Heel for example is very strong, almost always being able to kill at least one opposing champion. Put it side by side with Twitch so that they target the same champions. Be careful though: “You still have to be careful to be weak enough to avoid winning a round. »
Midgame (Stage 3 up to Twitch 3 stars)
En round 3-1, you should still be 4 level. “With a big economy, you already have 60 gold in round 3-1, and suddenly you can already start rolling the excess and it's very interesting. »
This is your goal during Stage 3: slow roll, i.e. roll your gold each round while staying above 50 gold, to find Twitch and Singed 3 stars. Note that if you found a lot of Twitch during Stage 2 and you are only missing one or two copies, you can roll up to 30 or 20 gold in 3-1 to find the last missing ones.
Here is an example of your board when you are rolling at level 5. If you have a Techno-Chemist Emblem or Heart, you can remove Heel and put Warwick / Zac instead to play 5.
You may continue to lose HP while you are slow rolling. Do not panic, you can continue to slow roll quietly because as soon as you have 3 star Twitch you will stabilize.
There may come a time when you have to drop below 50 gold to find the last copies of Twitch: "Do not go below 30 PV. If you're between 30 and 40, you must be starting to get a little nervous. Above 40 you still greed. »
End of game (once you have 3 stars Twitch)
Once you have 3 star Twitch, you have to start level up. If you found Twitch but don't have more than 5 or 6 copies of singed, you can sell it and transfer its items to another tank, like Dr. World ou Zac. If you are only missing one or two, you can keep it and hope to find the last copies naturally.
"Once you've found your characters, don't hesitate to level up quite aggressively. Do not tell yourself each time that you can go back to 50 gold, you have to play aggressively, you have to win streak. » Your goal is to reach the 8 level before the end of the game to enter your additional synergies because you should win your rounds once you have 3 star Twitch. You should roll very little unless you have a lot of pairs (Lissandra, Ekko, Zac, Dr. Mundo...).
Note that if you find Twitch very quickly and you still have 60+ PV, you can afford to go up to 50 gold and quietly buy XP to go and aim for a 9 level.
Best Hextech Augments
To begin with, Pas de Bol warns: “ On a prismatic game, I generally avoid [playing this composition] : there will be too broken compositions, unless you have one +2 Techno-chemists at the limit "
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Heart / Emblem Techno-chemist / Assassin / Scholar : These increases allow you to more easily enter synergies such as 4 Assassins or 7 or even 9 Techno-chemists at the end of the game.
Trade Sector / Calculated Loss / Rich Get Richer : These boosts that help you roll or boost your economy are worth taking only first choice.
Metabolic Accelerator : The gain of PV at each round allows you to consider the end of the game more serenely. It is also an increase to take only first choice.
Instant injection : "It's among the best, and you will really try to play the 7 Techno-chemists"
Featherweight I/II : This increase boosts the attack speed of Twitch, which is very interesting.
Smoke bomb : Twitch losing aggro and removing his debuffs, allowing him to regenerate with Techno-Chemist, is very powerful in the mid/late game.
Thrill of the Hunt I/II "It's really not bad too because Twitch has very low HP, so it heals good HP percentages. »
obviously a lot of Hextech Augmentations are interesting, you always have to make do with what the game gives you.
Pas de Bol positioning advice
Positioning is very important in this composition. The most important is that of Twitch.
Twitch : “The goal is that Twitch when it jumps it ends up on the bottom line. There should never be a unit in front and he finds himself jumping in front of a champion and not next to it. This allows him to shoot champions who are lined up. As a result, it is most often played around the middle. Avoid sending him to the opponents' pack, as he may die too quickly. Here is an example of Twitch positioning.
On the example, Twitch jumps perfectly aligned to hit the entire opposing line with his spell.
Singed and the rest of your champions : It is interesting to move your frontline back rather than put it in the front line. This forces the opposing frontline forward. In fact, once Twitch has killed its first target, rather than starting to hit the opposing frontline which is no longer within range, it will tend to continue hitting the champions in the backline.
Ekko et Lissandra : Ekko wants to be positioned against opposing packs, especially if he has a Frozen Heart. This is also the case for Lissandra, who wants to face opposing physical DPS (like Urgot, Jhin or Yone). This is especially true if she is an Assassin.
Positioning against the comp Urgot : If Urgot does not have a Guardian Angel, you can send Twitch directly behind him to kill him without concern. If he has a Guardian Angel on the other hand, you want to send Twitch as far as possible to avoid it being targeted too quickly.
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