Imperial TFT on Set 6 trait info

Our articles on Tactical Combat Imperial TFT on Set 6 trait info Imperial TFT on Set 6 Trait Info Teamfight Tactics Set 6 has a lot of origins and classes, including Imperial. What does this trait do and which champions are part of it? Here is the info.

Teamfight Tactics Set 6 has a total of 29 varied classes and origins, each with their own strengths and weaknesses and counting their own champions. It's easy to get lost with so much information to learn.

Here is the trait information Imperial. Find the effects of this trait, the numbers, and the different champions that make up this trait.

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What is Imperial doing on TFT Set 6?

(3 / 5) At the start of the fight, the Imperial who inflicted the most damage in the previous fight becomes the Tyrant. It deals 60/100% bonus damage and the others 40% (5). When the Tyrant dies, the Imperial that inflicted the most damage during that fight becomes the Tyrant.

Who are the Imperial champions?

The Imperial champions are:

  • Swain : Imperial / Arcane 2 PO
  • Heel : Imperial / Assassin 2 PO
  • Samira : Imperial / Challenger at 3 gold
  • Sion : Imperial / Protector / Colossus at 4 Range

To find compositions that use this trait and these champions, we recommend that you visit our tier list of the best comps of set 6. It offers you a list of more than twenty varied compositions, some of which use Imperial.

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