There is a total of 59 champions of Set 6 on TFT, and many of them can be used as permanent or temporary carries, as long as you have the right items. Samira is one of those champions.
What are the best items to equip on Samira? Which champions can replace it later in the game using the same items? Here are our tips.
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- Build TFT by Set 6 champions what are the best items?
What is the best stuff for Samira on TFT?
Samira usually wants a mix of physical damage and attack speed items. Its most important components are:
- Training gloves
- curved arch
- BF Sword
Top items on Samira | |
Tier S | |
Tier A |
Tier B |
Champions who can use Samira's items at the end of the game
Samira is a 3 gold champion. As a result, you have two options when playing it:
- You pass it 3 stars with a strategy of slow roll at level 5, and it remains in your final composition
- You just play it for carry another champion's items to 4 or 5 Range who will replace her later
In this second scenario, here are the different champions at 4 and 5 gold who can replace Samira using almost the same items as her:
- Jhin
- Fiora
- I ne
- Jinx
- Urgot
- Jayce
To know which compositions to play when you have Samira, we invite you to use our tier list of best TFT comps. Keep in mind that all of these tips are just general suggestions, but you still have to adapt in-game and therefore you won't always have the ideal items.
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