Combat Tactique (or Teamfight Tactics) is a fairly complex game, which can be difficult to learn at first. In order to guide you in your progress on this strategy game, we offer 7 tips on basic errors that we have all already experienced, in order to identify them and start correcting them.
Complete objects without thinking
Items are extremely strong, but not all are created equal. Objects like the Guinsoo's Raging Blade ( +
) and the Ultrastatic cannon (
) are extremely strong on your carry if it relies on its basic attacks, such as Vayne, Nidalee or Draven. In parallel, the Lance de Shojin (
) Et the Rabadon's Headdress (
) are very important on champions like Aurelion Sol or Veigar so that they use their ultimate more often and do more damage.
Generally, it is better to try to complete useful objects, and to put several of them on a champion who is essential to your strategy, rather than to combine them without worrying about the result obtained as soon as you have the possibility. Sometimes it's smart to keep your items to adapt to late-game opponents, with a ghost dancer ( +
) against the Assassins or a dragon claw (
) against Wizards.
See also: All Tactical Combat Items
Prioritize champions on the Carousel
In the same vein, since the objects are very strong and some are much stronger than others, it is generally more interesting to prioritize item choice over champion choice during the draft round (Carrousel). The priority for making your choice should be:
→ The item you need to complete a fort
→ The Spatula, to potentially obtain a Force of Nature ( +
) and have one more place in your team
→ A strong object in general, usually the Curved Bow, the Too Big Wand or the BF Glaive
→ A champion you need for a level 2 or 3
→ A champion who can be useful to you later
→ The remaining champion who is worth the most gold
We remind you that the less HP you have, the earlier you can choose your champion during Carousel rounds.
Spending too much gold
The economy is very important on TFT, and in particular the mechanics of interest. For every 10 gold you have in storage at the end of a fight, you gain an additional one (up to +5 to 50 gold). In the middle game, it is therefore wise to save to always have a golden round account (20, 30, 40…) and earn maximum interest, all while trying to reach 50 gold as soon as possible. Once the 50 obtained, it is judicious to try to remain above a maximum until the last rounds.
It's sometimes frustrating not to find the champion you need, and it's easy to lose patience and chain rerolls until you find them, but this strategy rarely pays off in the long run.
Saving his gold too much
Conversely, it is also important to know when to spend your gold. If you were lucky at the start of the game and you are on a winning streak, it may be worth sacrifice interest to continue this series, buying XP or looking to level up your champions. Not only does winning a round always give 1 extra gold, the win streak bonus can go up to +3 Range per round (from 8 consecutive victories).
Conversely, while losing streaks do exist and can be a great strategy for getting to 50 gold quickly, damage builds up very quickly on TFT and it's best to get things back up quickly before falling too far behind.
To note that you are more likely to find champions at 1 or 2 range when your level is low (source in English), so this is the best time to reroll several times if you are looking to obtain a level 3. Conversely, if you are looking for a champion with 3, 4 or 5 gold to go with your strategy, you you'll have a better chance of finding them as you level up.
Prioritize synergies at the start of the game
At the start of the game, getting a level 2 (or even 3) unit is usually worth more than going straight for class and origin bonuses that you are not sure you can continue in the future. It will then be easier to build a cohesive team if you base it on a unit that is already evolved. Even if this Veigar is very good since it allows you to obtain the bonus of 3 Sorcerers, taking the Vayne so that you only need one to pass it to level 3 is undoubtedly more interesting, you will possibly find a last Sorcerer later.
See also: Class and Origin Synergies Chart
Stubbornly build an archetype
In TFT, adaptability is one of the most important qualities. Even if the Savage/Shapeshifter/Sorcerer strategy is very strong for example, and you already have two pieces of it, sometimes you won't find the following pieces to be able to complete this build. So you have to be ready to change direction mid-game and find another viable strategy with what is offered to you.
It is also interesting to learn how to play different teams to understand their mechanics, how to position them, how your opponents give you a hard time with certain positions... This diversification of your gameplay should allow you to progress on TFT.
When you have a surplus of gold, it can be interesting to buy all that are available (keeping a sufficient number of gold for interest) in case you find others later, even if it means selling them by the following. (Credits: DisguisedToast)
Do not change the positioning of his units
Besides the obvious examples of bonuses to adjacent allies (Guardians, Herald of Zeke, Medallion of the Iron Solari), the positioning of the units is very important. Knowing which champion to protect, which unit can hit at what distance, which one must tank from the start to charge their ultimate faster, will undoubtedly allow you to progress. See what works as you play, ask yourself "why was my Draven killed so quickly?" "Why did my Sejuani die before she used her ultimate?" and try to move them accordingly. Positioning is especially important in the late game, and can be the difference between a win and a top 2.
All information about Tactical Combat
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