Teamfight Tactics Set 4 is already available on the PBE, and while updates happen very regularly, we've got six comps for you to try out in preparation for the set's official release.
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Compo 3 Selenites (Moonlight) from Set 4 of TFT
The purpose of this composition is to pass Lisandra, sylas and especially Aphelios 3 stars with a strategy of slow roll at levels 5/6 to benefit from the bonus of Selenite, allowing your Aphelios to switch to 4 stars. Once your champions are improved, you can level up normally to add hunters.
Be careful never to have more than two objects on one Selenite other than Aphelios : if all your Selenites are 3 stars, the one with the most items equipped becomes 4 stars.
Top Elected Champions
Aphelios (Hunter or Selenite) or Lisandra / sylas (Selenite)
Ideally, Aphelios Chosen Hunter allows you to have the 5 Hunters in the late game, but get a Selenite Chosen allows you to do without Lisandra for example.
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Aphelios : The combination of Guinsoo's Raging Blade for attack speed and Dagger of Statikk to benefit from its high level of stars is very effective. Guardian angel allows his turrets to continue attacking while he respawns. He can also play a Lance de Shojin.
sylas : It can use all defensive objects according to your needs in the game.
Kindred : It can act as a secondary carry with omagic power items and mana to burst its targets.
Compo 6 Warlords from TFT Set 4
Somewhat similar to the previous composition, the masters of war also benefit from a strategy slow roll levels 6/7 to pass Vayne, Nidalee, Jarvan IV, Vi and why not Xin Zhao en 3 stars. Once done, the bonus stats of the trait coupled with the shields of the sentinels (Keeper) will be very powerful.
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At the end of the game, Azir will be an excellent unit to add for these two synergies in particular.
Top Elected Champions
Nidalee / Jarvan IV / Vi / Xin Zhao (Warmaster)
This composition is especially recommended if you get your hands on a Chosen Warmaster early in the game, which can, if necessary, be Thread which will then replace Vi.
Nidalee : Nidalee is your main carry, using the double generation of the Lance de Shojin with the line Tireur d'izard (Sharpshooter) to generate a lot of mana with the attack speed of Guinsoo's Raging Blades.
Jarvan IV : He usually acts as a main tank with defensive objects, good that Xin Zhao, Vi or even Thread can also perform this task.
Azir : Your best user of the morellonomicon late game if you need anti-heal.
Compo 4 Mesmers (Dazzler) from Set 4 of TFT
The composition Mesmers (Dazzler) is one of the best at reducing the power of opposing teams while slowly killing them thanks to the damage over time of Morgana. Coupled with the attack damage debuff of the trait as well as 4 Mystics, she counters both physical and magic damage, while having a lot of utility.
This composition has the advantage of being flexible, being able to play 4 or 6 Sages (Enlightened) for example instead of 4 Mystics to 4 Mesmers.
Top Elected Champions
Morgana (Mesmer or Sage), Janna / irelia (Wise) or Janna / Cassiopeia / Shen (Mystique)
Overall, you want a Chosen One who allows you to have 4 Wise, 6 Mystics or 4 Mesmers without having to play Luxury for example. These are usually late-game Chosen.
Morgana : Morgana takes advantage of the Lance de Shojin with bonus mana generation from Legend. morellonomicon is also key to overcome the lack of DPS of the composition. Third, she can use another object of magic power or a defensive object.
Shen : Shen is your main tank in this composition. It works very well with the Gargoyle's Lithoplastron and other defensive objects.
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Ezreal : If you can give him mana items to make him cast faster, his spell is very powerful. Zilean can also use the blue buff.
Compo 6 Sylvestres (Elderwood) du Set 4 de TFT
Certainly one of the most popular compositions of the moment, the 6 Sylvestres (Elderwood) gain good stats as the fight progresses and can count on Weighs in main carry. If you manage to pass it 3 stars, he should one-shot all his opponents, while gradually gaining magic power with each fight. Nunu 3 stars is also very interesting.
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Note that it is possible to play 9 Sylvestres if you have a Spatula and Elected, and that there is also a version with Ashe carry on Hunter.
Top Elected Champions
Weighs (Sylvester or Mage) or Nunu (Sylvester or Brawler)
The best elected will usually be Veigar Sylvestre, which allows you to play 6 without depending onHecarim / Ezreal. Overall, any elected Sylvester will be interesting, Nunu also becoming an excellent tank. If you have a chosen Mage ou brawler, you can exit respectively Ahri ou Warwick.
Weighs : The Lance de Shojin allows to Weighs to cast his spell every 3 attacks, while the Pistolame Hextech allows him to recover full life each time, especially level 3. The third object is more free, being able to be defensive or offensive.
Nunu : He acts as a main tank and uses defensive items. If you have it 3 stars, he can use a Pistolame hextech to heal himself tremendously with his spell.
Compo 4 Ninjas du Set 4 the TFT
If you want above all to kill the opposing carries, the Assassins and Ninjas are your best choice. Once you have 6 Assassins and 4 Ninjas, you can use Akali et Zed in carries to annihilate the backline, while Kennan et Shen can tank the frontline long enough.
Your win condition will usually be to get Akali et Zed 3 stars at the end of the game.
Top Elected Champions
Akali / Pyke / Heel (Assassin)
In this composition you always want a Elected assassin to get 6. Akali is the most interesting, but Pyke et Heel are also good. Katarina et Diana are much lower priority but can be played if you find them quickly.
Akali : The blue buff is excellent for Akali to cast his spell on a loop. The Infinity blade gives him 100% crit chance, boosting crit damage, while Pistolame hextech allows him to stay alive longer. This last object can be replaced by a Ultra-fast cannon for example.
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Zed : Usually your secondary carry, Zed deals a lot of physical damage making him interesting with Ultra-fast cannon et Thirst for blood. THE'Guardian angel allows him not to get too burst.
Kennan : Kennen needs a Guardian angel to be played in frontline and cast his ultimate before dying, while he also uses the morellonomicon.
Shen : Finally, your last components ofdefensive objects will usually go to Shen who acts as a tank.
Compo 6 Snipers from TFT Set 4
Jhin can be a great carry with 4 or 6 snipers, while being assisted by the many zone controls of this team (Jinx, Teemo, Aatrox et Sejuani). If this composition may lack frontline, it is formidable against fragile compositions that do not protect their carries from the rebounds of your Snipers.
At the end of the game, if you manage to have theone of your tanks ou 3 stars, this can secure you a victory.
Top Elected Champions
Jhin / Teemo (Sniper)
You want a chosen one Tireur d'izard to have 6. Ideally, Jhin is the best since it's your main carry, but Teemo is also very interesting for its reduced mana cost. The other 3 (Jinx, Vayne et Nidalee) are mostly a last resort.
Jhin : Jhin benefits a lot from the combination of Infinity blade, Last breath et giant slayer to bring down the opposing frontline very quickly. Objects such as Doom Blade ou Thirst for blood may also be of interest. Finally, he can usedefensive objects in the face of Assassins.
Sejuani / Aatrox : You will usually want to equip one of your two tanks withdefensive objects (Warmog Armor, dragon claw...). The second can take some too, or simply equip Thief's Gloves.
Teemo : Teemo can act as a secondary carry, especially if elected. With a blue buff, it can blind multiple enemy champions multiple times per fight. Jinx can also perform a similar role with his stun.
Obviously, there are different variations of each of these compositions, especially with the PBE changing very regularly. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding any of these compositions, feel free to leave a comment!
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