TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of patch 10.25

Our articles about Tactical Combat TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of patch 10.25 Find the four best compositions of patch 10.25 of TFT with our cheat sheet!

Teamfight Tactics patch 10.25 is one of the most balanced in Set 4, with a lot of comps that are very viable. Here are, in our opinion, the four best.

The Cheat sheet of the best comps of TFT patch 10.25

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of patch 10.25Click on the Cheat sheet to enlarge it.

Compo "Peeba" level 9 with legendary champions

You may have noticed that one of the best ways to win games right now is to capitalize on a good early/mid-game to go all the way to the 9 level and play legendary champions.

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The hardest part with this comp is getting to level 9 with enough HP left, then transitioning successfully using I ne, Sept. et / ou Kayn in main carry and the others in secondary.

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of patch 10.25
The most difficult in terms of positioning is for Sett, who should be placed so that his spell will hit as many opposing champions as possible.

  • The Peeba Composition Guide

Compo Sylvester (Elderwood) / Mage

With a big buff in patch 10.25, the comp Sylvestre is now one of the most powerful in the game. Taking advantage of a great mid game as soon as you have Weighs with the right items, this composition can go snatch the top 1 if you unlock your main champions in 3 stars. Another possibility is to try to play 9 Sylvestres with a Spatula to increase the power of your whole team.

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of patch 10.25
Try to protect your Veigar and position Ezreal and Lux ​​opposite the opposing team so that they hit as many units as possible.

Compo Divine Being (Divine) / Adept

With the redesign of Warwick, this one has now become a very interesting carry for the composition 6 Divine Beings thanks to its ability to become more and more powerful, but above all to boost the attack speed of almost all its allies. This composition can count on many elected champions, making it rather flexible, and is very powerful in the late game with the possibility of adding many legendary champions. However, it depends onvery specific objects to operate at maximum capacity.

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of patch 10.25Try to have Lux on the opposite side of the opposing team so that his spell hits as many targets as possible, and Jax on the side of the carries (especially if it's Jhin or Ashe against whom he can block a lot of damage with his dodge).

  • The Divine Being/Adept Composition Guide

Compo 6 Beings of Dusk (Dusk) / Fanatic (Cultist)

The Twilight Beings are still as meta as ever, and are a good way to transition a good early game into top 1 when you haven't had carousel priority and have lots of defensive items. They then allow Riven to be very tanky, while your damage can come from Jhin with your more offensive components. This composition can also incorporate several legendary units at the end of the game, as Kayn et Azir in addition to lillia et Zilean.

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of patch 10.25Try to protect your Jhin as much as possible, even if it means bringing your units closer against Assassins / Shadows. Also pay attention to the positioning of your Cassiopeia: a good ult can be the difference between a victory and a defeat during a round.

  • The Guide to Composition 6 Twilight Beings

TFT patch 10.25 trends

Le patch 10.25 is undoubtedly one of the most varied of this Set 4 of TFT. It is possible to go for a top 4 regardless of your composition, but the players who win the lobbies are usually those who manage to play for level 9 and enter powerful legendary champions. To do this, it is interesting to play aggressively and slam objects quickly to preserve your HP.

As a reminder, patch 10.25 is the penultimate before Set 4.5, which will be released in patch 11.2. Patch 11.1 will be released on Wednesday, January 6.

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If you have any questions or suggestions regarding these compositions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments.

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