The meta is still young on the 5.5 September from TFT which was released just over a week ago. While most compositions are viable, some still stand out.
Find our cheat sheet of the four best compositions of the patch.
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The cheat sheet of the best comps of TFT patch 11.15B
Click on the Cheat sheet to enlarge it.
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Sentinel composition with Lucian and Akshan
The composition Sentinelle is arguably the most powerful currently on TFT. Lucian can melt the opponent's frontline, while being relatively flexible on its objects, whileAkshan can go get the carries. The latter particularly benefits from theWarmog Armor so that he has Sentinel's attack speed bonus from the start of the fight.
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Compo Reroll Herald of the Night (Nightbringer) with Yasuo
3 stars is one of the strongest champions in the game if you manage to get him with the right items, especially the Ultra-fast cannon. To do so, avoid playing this composition while being challenged and try to slow roll at level 7 for Yasuo 3. By the way, you can play Lee Sin 3 stars in secondary carry with magic power or tank items.
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Compo Abomination and Draconique with Heimerdinger
The mix ofabomination and Draconic guarantees you a great mid-game with plenty of savings, allowing you to play afterwards Heimerdinger in carry. To do so, favor defensive / utilitarian objects on your Monstrosity. It is also possible to play Zira 3 stars on carry if you find a lot of them.
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Compo Ranger (Ranger) with Aphelios and Akshan
The composition Aphelios is one of the most flexible, being able to play 2 to 6 Heralds of the Night (Nightbringer), 2 to 4 Rangers, Battleships (Ironclad), Mystics, revenants... The main thing is to have good items on Aphelios 2 stars and adapt the rest of your composition according to your needs in the lobby and what you have at your disposal. It is also relevant to equip Akshan in secondary carry.
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As said above, the meta is pretty open right now, with lots of viable comps. the patch 11.16 should be a bit of a game changer, it is planned for the Wednesday 11 August.
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