Lots of comps are viable in this Teamfight Tactics patch 11.24 B. We still recommend four compositions that can work well.
Find our cheat sheet of the four best compositions of the patch.
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TFT: Tier list of Set 6 compounds
The cheat sheet of the best compositions of TFT patch 11.24 B
Click on the Cheat sheet to enlarge it.
Compo Flex Kai'Sa, Viktor or Akali with Vedette
This composition is quite special: it consists of simply playing your best board to be able to pass 8 level quickly and with a lot of gold. At this time you want to play 3 Stars (Socialite) and enter the first legendary champion you find among Kai'Sa, Viktor ou Akali to put it in the box. These three champions have the advantage of using essentially the same items, allowing this composition to be very flexible.
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TFT: Compo Kai'Sa, Viktor or Akali and Galio with Vedette
Compo Urgot with Techno-chemist
This composition is quite simple to set up once you have a start Techno-chemist (Chemtech), Fighter (Bruiser) et / ou Mercenary. You use Urgot in main carry, with Dr. World ou Soot Kench (if you find him quickly) in a tank, and possibly Jinx ou Viktor in secondary carry.
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TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
Compo Jhin and Miss Fortune with Sniper
Jhin is a carry that has the advantage of being able to be played very flexibly, as the units surrounding it can be any effective frontline. The most common is to use Gardes du corps (body guard)More Sion as a main tank has also grown in popularity. At the same time, you can play Enchanters for utility, and Miss Fortune in secondary carry.
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Compo Shaco and Akali with Underworld and Assassin
The Assassins are always a good way to counter certain compositions that rely on ranged carries. This composition works best with a Underworld (Syndicate) emblem to play 7, but you can play just 5. The main objective is to roll to level 8 to find Akali 2 stars et 3 stars, which are very powerful and complementary carries.
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TFT: Compo Shaco and Akali with Assassin and Underworld (Syndicate)
Other compositions are also viable, you can find them all on our tier list of best Set 6 comps.
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