TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of patch 9.21

Our articles on Combat Tactique TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of patch 9.21 Here is our cheat sheet of the 3 best compositions of Teamfight Tactics on patch 9.21.

Patch 9.21 didn't change a huge amount of champions or items, but the changes to damage taken from early game defeats drastically changed the Teamfight Tactics meta. Going for “perfect” 8 comps is much harder now, and it's more flexible and strong mid-game teams that dominate.

Patch 9.21 is the last one before the arrival of the set 2, and also the last chance to reach your desired rank before the end of ranked season the November 6.

Read also: Tier list of the best compositions

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of patch 9.21

The grids represent an example of possible positioning of the units.

Ranger / Elementalist / Shapeshifter

With comps more mid-game focused, as well as a very big buff to comps 2 Prowlers, Elementalists are back. The advantage of this composition is that it is very flexible: Ashe, Varus, Brand, Aatrox... can be used in carry with different items, and the choice of Demons and Glaciers is very free. However, we recommend the version with Shapeshifters.

Knight / Sorcerer / Dragon

Despite a slight nerf, the knights remain at the center of the meta since they are effective at all stages of the game and it is easy to get 4 of them quickly. Subsequently, a combination of 3 Wizards is very popular now, these being relatively free. Once again, this composition benefits from many different options, the base of knights can lead to a composition Draven instead for example.

Brawler / Gunslinger / Hextech

If they already dominated in 9.20, the Brawlers remain strong in 9.21. They always need a main carry, usually Jinx, but this can be replaced at the end of the game by a combination of Kai'Sa and another néant, this one benefiting from the same objects as Jinx

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding these compositions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments.

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of patch 9.21

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