TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim

Our articles on Combat Tactique TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim How to play the Reroll Cavalier composition with Brand and Hecarim? The editorial staff offers you a guide on champions, items and positioning!

The Riders become extremely resistant Teamfight Tactics Set 5, once they have passed 3 stars, allowing Brand to inflict damage over time.

here is our non-exhaustive guide to approach the composition, with the champions to play, important objects, and finally positioning tips. He will be later updated to add more details about the victory conditions and game flow.

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The Cavalier Reroll composition with Brand, Hecarim, Viktor and Sejuani

TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim

The knights  are formidable units when they have passed 3 stars, becoming extremely resistant. In this composition, you will take advantage of this defense, and in particular that of hecarim, to give time to Brand to inflict massive magic damage on the entire opposing team. It is therefore important to apply a strategy of slow roll at level 6 to have (in order of priority): hecarim, Brand, Sejuani et Victor 3 stars.

Once you have at least your two main carries 3 stars, you should start leveling up to get additional synergies: 4 Cavaliers, Mystics, Battleship (Ironclad), Forgotten (Forgotten)...

Preferred items

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Brand (carry principal)TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim

Brand absolutely needs a blue buff which allows him to cast his spell in a loop. For the rest, he wants magical power items and / or to the defense.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim + TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim + TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim + TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim

Other options

  What magic power Defense
Tier S TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
Tier A
  TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
Tier B
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim

Don't make a Infinity blade that if you have a Precious Gauntlet so your spells can crit. Also, don't make a Precious Shade Gauntlet that if you have an object to heal Brand

Hecarim (main tank)

TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim

hecarim is also a main carry/tank, becoming very tanky with defensive objects but can also inflict damage. He particularly appreciates theShadow Ion Spark which allows him to gain a lot of magic power, and the Will of the Shadow Titan to inflict massive damage.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim + TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim + TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim + TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim

Other options

  defensive objects
Tier S TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
Tier A
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim
Tier B
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim


Other Interesting Items

TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim Solar Cloak (Shadow or Normal) : Your fights will last a long time, which is why it is always relevant to have the burn of the Suncloak. She can go on Sejuani ou rell.

Defensive objects for Sejuani or Rell : If you have defensive items left, do not hesitate to make them on your other tanks to assist Hecarim.

Magic/mana power items for Viktor: Similarly, Viktor can equip your remaining power items. He particularly appreciates the TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim Spear of Shojin (shadow or normal).

What to do with a Spatula?

TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim Cavalier (TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim + TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim): This object allows you to do without Kled at the end of the game, and can go to Viktor ou Ryze for example.
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim Spellweaver (TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim + TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim): You can play 4 Spellweavers more easily by putting this item on hecarim ou Ryze.
TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim Battleship (Ironclad) (TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim + TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim): Against a lot of physical damage, you can play 3 Battleships much more easily with this item.

As usual, the TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim Force of nature is always a great option.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Cavalier Reroll with Brand and Hecarim

With this composition, you almost automatically lose the fight if your Brand dies too quickly. You must therefore protect it as much as possible, surrounding it with other units that can defend it. Try positioning it away from the Assassins if possible, and on the same side as Vel'Koz if there are any in your lobby.

rell should generally be opposite your backline for her to cast her spell in the right direction. You want her to be targeted first to cast her spell quickly, and once she dies opponents surround your hecarim so that his spell hits as many targets as possible.

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