TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)

Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: Jinx Compo with Scrap Metal How to play the Jinx composition with Scrap Metal? The editorial staff offers you a guide on champions, the process, items, hextech increases and positioning.

The composition Jinx de Teamfight Tactics is to be considered if you quickly find Junkmen and suitable increases, allowing you to rush to level 8.

Here is our guide to approach the composition, with the champions to play, Program, important objects, hextech augmentations and positioning tips.

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The Jinx comp with Junkyard (Scrap)

TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)

With a start Junkman (Scrap), you can get back into the game even with difficult early rounds, as the trait gets more and more powerful as you get items. At the end of the game, Jinx is usually your primary carry, while Echo is a very powerful utility champion.

A very interesting addition if you find it quickly is to play Soot Kench in main tank: this one can give you additional components, which increases the shield of Junkyard. Otherwise, you can enter different legendary champions at the end of the game.

Unfolding and passages of levels

These are usually the rounds in which you want to level up. Those marked with a * are to be preferred if you are in a winning streak so you can play more aggressively.

4 level : Round 2-3 (or 2-1*)
5 level : Round 2-7 (or 2-5*)
6 level : Round 3-2 (or 3-1*)
7 level : Round 4-1 (or 3-5*)
8 level : Round 5-1 (or 4-5*)

Le 9 level is the main victory condition of this composition, since it allows you to more easily upgrade your legendary champions to 2 stars.

The stuff to favor on Jinx and Ekko

Jinx (carry principal)
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)

Jinx can be played in triple offensive items since she benefits from Junkman's massive shield, but most of the time giving her a defensive object is also interesting. She is very flexible in her objects, since she inflicts damage with her attacks but also with the area of ​​her spell.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) + TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
+ TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) + TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)

Other options

  Damage Defense
Tier S TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
Tier A
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)  TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
Tier B
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)

Ekko (utility champion)TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)

Ekko is an excellent utility champion, being able to use different items to hamper the opponent's composition. Don't forget to also give him a component to benefit from the free Junkyard item.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) + TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) + TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)

Other options

Tier S TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
Tier A
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
Tier B
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)

Other Interesting Items

Defensive items for Tahm Kench : If you can quickly get to level 8 and find a Soot Kench, you can give him your remaining defensive items.

The components to favor on your Scrap Metals

The Scavenger composition is quite unique: once you have your main items, you generally want to give components to your remaining Scavenger champions. Here are the components you should prioritize, and the components to focus on:

  • Janna: TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
  • Echo : TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
  • Blitzcrank : TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
  • Trundle : TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
  • Ziggs : TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)
  • Ezreal : TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)

To Jinx, favor three complete objects if possible.

Best Hextech Augments

Always try to choose a Hextech Augmentation based on what you need : generally at the beginning of the game it is appropriate to take a generic Augment since you do not yet know what you are going to play, and then you should try to reinforce the strengths of your composition. 

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Junkyard : Arguably the most interesting increase in first choice, additional components are generally welcome.

Salvage bin / Pandora's item / Item Grab Bag / Portable Forge / Band of Thieves : Any augments that give you additional components or items are good to take.

Binary Airdrop : With this increase, you can give a complete object and a component to your Scavengers so that they gain almost two free objects.

Cybernetic Implants : Since you want to give components to most of your champions, they will always benefit from the additional stats.

obviously a lot of Hextech Augmentations are interesting, especially those that give you Hearts to emblems.

What to choose as emblem (spatula object) or Heart?

TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) Junkman (Scrap) : This increase allows you to play 6 Scrappers without having to depend on a weak champion like Ezreal or Ziggs at the end of the game.

TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) Assassin (TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) + TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)) : Jinx in Assassin can be especially dangerous if you miss an offensive item on it.

TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) Justicer (Enforcer) : Vigilante is always a useful late game trait.

You can use any more boilerplate emblem like
TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) Fighter (Bruiser), TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) Bodyguard (Bodyguard), TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) Protective, TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) Scholar (Scholar) ou TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) Arcanists (TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) + TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)).

As usual, the TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) Tactician's Crown is always a great option.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap)

Jinx : Jinx can be positioned just about anywhere since she repositions herself anyway with her spell. Just make sure she doesn't die before she can cast her spell, which shouldn't really happen in the majority of cases.

The scrap dealers : Take into account the components put on your Junkers and the items they can drop. Components can give you aura items like TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap), TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap), TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) ou TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) for example, so put your champions with these components so that they can benefit from it. Also consider other objects that are impacted by positioning like TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) et TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap).

Blitzcrank : With a TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) you can regularly get a TFT: Compo Jinx with Scrapper (Scrap) which allows you to cheese your opponents by raising their unit in the corner, allowing Blitzcrank to grab the nearby champion, often the opposing carry. So try to put it in the corner opposite the priority targets.

Soot Kench : If you have a well-fed Tahm Kench, remember to put it in front of the opposing main tank, especially if it has items. Not only can he eat it before it has time to cast its spell, but he can also kill it to get components.

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