TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: Murderer Compo (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics How to play the Murderer composition with Olaf and Samira? The writing explains everything to you: composition, elected, items, progress and positioning!

The Teamfight Tactics Murderer composition uses Olaf and Samira as carries, both of which are very powerful in the late game.

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  • TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight TacticsThe third list of the best compositions

The composition Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

If you have a lot of BF Swords, the composition Murderer is often the best way to use them. Olaf is a terrific late-game carry with the right items, especially when paired with the area damage of Samira.

This composition is highly dependent on specific objects, but she's capable of top 1 if you have a good early/mid game and manage to capitalize on it.

The best Chosen (Chosen) champions

Olaf Chosen Murderer (Slayer) ou Dragon Soul (Dragonsoul): The best Chosen you can have is Olaf for instantly having him 2 stars and with bonus stats, especially if he has the Murderer trait. The Dragon Soul trait is also interesting.

Sejuani ou Aatrox Elected Initiator (Vanguard): An elected Initiator is also very interesting to play 4 and have an excellent frontline.

Chosen Morgana Siphonor: If you find Morgana Chosen Siphon, you can either play her as is or play 4 with Swain and Vladimir.

When to Play Comp and Victory Conditions

When to play the comp

This composition is flexible at the unit level but still depends on at least one condition to be able to be played:

  • You have good components for Olaf's items : Olaf depends on very specific items to really work, you shouldn't play him unless you have the right ones.

Top 1 Conditions

You will usually need a condition to win the game.

  • 3 stars : If it is difficult to obtain, it is often the best way to guarantee the top 1.
  • Level 9 with 2-Star Legendary Champions : If you can't get Olaf 3, you should go level 9 to play Samira, Zilean, Swain...

Preferred items

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

Olaf's objects are the most important for this composition.

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Ouragan de Runaan : Since Olaf has huge physical damage on his attacks, the Runaan is his most important item because it allows him to almost double his DPS.
TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Doom Blade : This item synergizes very well with Runaan and Olaf's area damage, allowing him to quickly gain AD and thus become more and more dangerous.
TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel : Olaf usually needs a defensive item in third. The Guardian Angel is excellent since when he comes back to life, he takes advantage of Murderer's lifesteal. The other option is the TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Ultra-fast cannon which allows him to stay away from the fray.

Other options :
Olaf should almost always have a Runaan and either Guardian Angel or Ultra-Rapid Cannon, but the latter item is more flexible. He can use many offensive options: TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Giant Slayer, TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Infinity Blades, TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Last breath, TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Guinsoo's Raging Blade, TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Bloodlust, TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics hand of justice ... If so, its defensive object can be a TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics dragon claw or a TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Will of the titan.

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

Samira should be your secondary carry with the offensive items you have left. Like Olaf, she should generally have 2 offensive and 1 defensive items.

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Infinity blade : Samira's spell sends attacks around her, so the Infinity Edge increases her DPS a lot.
TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics giant slayer : Against 3-star champions, Brawlers or Warmasters, this item will be very effective. Prefer one TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Last breath against Initiators or Sylvesters.
TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Mercury : If Samira is unstoppable during her spell, the Mercury allows her to cast it without being controlled first.

Other options :
Samira can use the same kind of items as Olaf offensively, depending on what you have at your disposal (especially on late game carousels): TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Doom Blade, TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Bloodlust, TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics hand of justice, TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Guinsoo's Raging Blade... Defensively, she can use a TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel ou TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Gripper trap.

What to do with a Spatula?

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Youmuu Specter Blade (TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics): If you have Pyke, you can change your Olaf in Assassin so that he directly attacks the opposing backline.
TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Breastplate of the Initiator (TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics): With this item you can play 4 Initiators by changing Olaf ou Morgana in Initiator for example.

As usual, the TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Force of nature is always a great option.

Other Interesting Items

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics morellonomicon : Anti-healing is almost always a good idea in the meta. This object is excellent on Morgana, but can also go to Sejuani.
Other Utility Items : Since this composition only depends on the items of Olaf and Samira, you can make other powerful utility items: TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Redemption, TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Shroud of appeasement, TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics Zephyr...

Course of the game

Note that the composition recommendations at the different levels are only examples: you can play any kind of different powerful board until the final composition, the main thing being to find a champion to hold Olaf's items time to find it. Here is a list of good candidates, in order of power:

  • Kalista (with Duelists/Fanatics)
  • Kindred (with anything)
  • Shyvana (with Brawlers)
  • Zed (with Fanatics and Murderers)
  • Tristana (with Snipers and Dragon Souls)

First carousel

If you want to force this composition, you should almost always aim for a TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics BF Sword on the first carousel.

Early game (Stage 2)

Levels 3/4 (Round 2-1 or 2-2)

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

One of the best ways to get to Olaf is to play a choke Fanatic (Cultist) with Kalista to hold things. This allows you to have a good early/mid game, and play units that will stay in your final composition.

Other options (depending on theelected that you find) are for example to bet on Zed ou Shyvana.

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

It's worth leveling up aggressively if your board is solid to try and go on a winning streak and have a good economy. To do this, try to combine objects quickly if you can and level up 4 since the round 2-1 ou 2-2.

If you don't not a good start, you can instead do a losing streak without buying XP in order to save as much as possible. In this case, you should roll a bit once you get to level 6 to find a chosen one at 3 range and stabilize.

Level 5 (Round 2-5)

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

It may be interesting tobuy more XP in round 2-3 for " pre-level » 5. Pre-leveling means that you will go to level 5 at the start of the next round, and you will therefore have a level 5 shop, increasing your chances of having champions there at 2, 3 and 4 gold. 

(Editor's note: Pre-level = Buy experience to be at 8/10 XP (for example), and thus level up in the next round.)

If you have the start with Kalista, try switching to 6 Fanatics as soon as possible to really dominate most fights.

Midgame (Stages 3 and 4)

Level 6 (Round 3-2)

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

You should always pass level 6 in round 3-2 : the faster you level up, the more likely you are to find your important champions (Olaf, Aatrox, Sejuani, Morgana...). If you were in winning streak, and you have a good unit to add, you can level up by 3-1 to keep winning.

If you had a Weak stage 2 and your chosen one was not very good (Elise Sentinelle for example), you can sell it when you pass level 6 and roll a bit to try to find a chosen one at 3 gold which will be very powerful. However, avoid rolling below 20 gold.

Start collecting the champions that will be needed in your final composition if you find them: Olaf, Aatrox, Sejuani, Morgana... If you find an Olaf you can play it, but if you have the choice between playing Olaf 1 star et Kalista 2 stars, prefer the second option.

Level 7 (Round 4-1)

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

You should always pass level 7 at the start of Stage 4. At this point, you usually have three options:

  • You don't have much HP left (less than 40) : You should roll some time to stabilize by finding 2-star champions, a decent chosen one, and if possible at least one Olaf. Avoid rolling below 20 gold.
  • You still have enough HP ou your board is strong enough : this is what should happen to you most of the time, keep saving in order to roll at level 8.

Endgame (Stage 5+)

Level 8 (Round 5-1 or 4-5)

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

In the majority of cases, you will pass 8 level en round 5-1 to keep gold for roll. If you can pass level 8 by 4-5 and keep at least 30 gold (if you were on a winning streak and therefore have excellent economy), do it.

In 5-1, if you had a elected early game, sell it before you roll. When you roll, your goal is to get most of your 2 star champions (specifically Olaf), A elected correct, even if it is not the best possible, and a good frontline. You don't necessarily need your legendary champions right away, although Samira is a non-negligible plus.

Depending on which Chosen you get, you can play different variations of the composition. On the image above, you want to play with a elected murderer, but you can for example play with a elected Initiator and add a Ornn for artefacts :

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

If you have Olaf Chosen Dragon Soul, you can simply add Swain who gives you 2 Siphons bonus :

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

Feel free to roll down to 0 gold if needed, the time to have all your improved champions (except some legendaries). If once at 0 gold you are still missing copies, you can continue to roll each round until you have them or until the end of the game.

Once your board is stabilized, you should boost your economy up to 50 gold and then you have two options :

  • Slow roll for Olaf 3 stars : If you are not not contested, and especially if you have 1 or 2 Neeko Helping Hands, you should try to roll your excess gold each round to try to get Olaf 3 stars. When you are only missing a few copies, roll all your gold until you find them.
  • Pass level 9 : If you don't meet the requirements to play Olaf 3, you should try leveling up to 9 to increase your chances of getting 2-star legendary champions and adding more (Samira, Zilean, Swain, Ornn...).

Level 9 (End of Stage 5 or beginning of Stage 6)

As said above, at level 9 you will generally want to add a powerful legendary unit: Swain, Ornn, Azir, Yone... This is also an opportunity to upgrade your Samira and your Zilean.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight Tactics

If your Olaf n / A no high-speed Canon, set it to one end of the board so that it is not targeted as a priority by opponents. If necessary, you can move him back one space to ensure that your other champions are targeted before him. If he has the Ultra-Rapid Cannon, you can just put it in backline, trying to put it on the side where it will hit as many units as possible with its cone damage.

Always position your Sivir on the same side as Olaf so that he is within range of her spell (2 cells around her) and receives the attack speed bonus. If possible, try to also have Samira in the zone, although it moves a lot with its passive.

If you have Morgana, put it in the first line in the middle of your other champions so that she casts quickly. Also remember to position your Aatrox as opposed to opposing lanes if they don't have no mercury, so that he brings them into the fray.

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  • TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira on Teamfight TacticsTFT Set 6, all the info on the next Teamfight Tactics Set
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