TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) How to play the comp Reroll Forgotten with Miss Fortune? The editorial staff offers you a guide on champions, items, radiant objects and positioning.

Miss Fortune can deal heavy area of ​​effect magic damage with the Forgotten, while 3-star Hecarim gets extremely tanky on Teamfight Tactics Set 5.5.

Here is our guide to approach the composition, with the champions to play, important objects, items radiants and positioning tips.

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The Forgotten Reroll composition with Miss Fortune and Hecarim

TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)

Miss Fortune can be played as a primary carry, being able to deal massive area of ​​effect magic damage with Forgotten (Forgotten) to boost his stats. In order for it to remain relevant at the end of the game, it is recommended to slow roll at level 7 to unlock it 3 stars, which also makes it possible to play hecarim in main tank and Thresh to increase the power of his grappling hooks.

In parallel with Miss Fortune, you can play a secondary carry depending on the items you have: Draven with physical damage, or viego with magic/defense damage. The rest of the composition is relatively flexible, you can easily enter Battleships (Ironclad) to Mystics for example.

The stuff to focus on Miss Fortune and Hecarim

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Miss Fortune (carry principal)TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)

Miss Fortune is your main carry and you should prioritize its items. She almost always wants a mana object et two items of magical power. Warning: do not make a Infinity blade that if you already have one Precious Gauntlet to allow his spell to crit.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) + TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) + TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) + TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)

Other options

  What Free
Tier S TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
Tier A
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
Tier B
  TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)

Hecarim (main tank)TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)

Hecarim 3 stars can get extremely tanky with defensive objects and Forgotten stats. He can use the majority of defensive items in the game, although some work a bit better than others.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) + TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) + TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) + TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)

Other options

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Tier A
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
Tier B
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)

Other Interesting Items

TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Chalice of PowerTFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Banshee Griffe et TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Zeke's Crest : It can be interesting to boost magic power, attack speed or protect Miss Fortune. These items usually go on Lucian.

Items for Viego: If you find viego early in the game, you can equip items to him. It works great with a TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) blue buff, for an TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Guardian angel and TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Pistolame hextech for example. Otherwise, you can always give him TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Thief's Gloves.

Items for Draven : Conversely if you have physical damage items such as a TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Thirst for blood, for an TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Last breath, the TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Guinsoo's Raging Blade, the TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Doom Blade... You can play Draven in secondary carry.

The best radiant items

Always try to choose radiant items according to what you need : if you don't have all the items in your main carry yet, take a light item from it. Conversely, if he already has three items, favor utility or items for a secondary carry. 

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Here are the light objects we recommend for this composition.

Miss Fortune TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
hecarim TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
Utility TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)
viego TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)

What to choose as an emblem (spatula object)?

TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Forgotten (Forgotten) : With this Spatula you can easily get 6 Forgotten which further boosts the offensive stats of all your champions. You can put it on Lucian.
TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Cavalier : Change one of your tanks (Thresh, Gallium, irelia...) in Cavalier is very powerful to improve your frontline.

Otherwise, you can use other more versatile emblems like TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Chevalier (Knight) ou TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Battleship (Ironclad) for example.

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As usual, the TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten) Force of nature is always a great option.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Reroll Miss Fortune with Forgotten (Forgotten)

Miss Fortune casts its spell around the target it's attacking, so try to position it so it targets as many champions as possible at once. 

Draven should always be positioned in the second line so that he doesn't move too much and catches up with his axes since he only has 3 squares of range. If you play viego instead, try putting it somewhere where it can target important champions.

Always think about the positioning of your Thresh : he targets the farthest champion from him, so put him on the opposite side of the opposing carry. If he catches her, not only does he stun her and inflict damage on her, he can also lure her into the Miss Fortune area.

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