TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics How to play the composition Sage / Assassin with Talon? The writing explains everything to you: composition, elected, items, progress and positioning!

The composition Sage / Assassin from Teamfight Tactics is particularly powerful thanks to Talon who is a very dangerous unit when he can generate mana quickly.

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The composition Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

The composition Sage / Assassin is rather difficult to play as it really comes into its own around levels 7/8/9, so you have to know how to use different transition units to get to that stage. Once unlocked, she uses the combination of Heel to destroy the opposing backline, and Morgana et irelia for their various controls.

The main strength of this composition is that it is very flexible, with the possibility of playing many elected and seek out various synergies, such as 4 Followers, 4 Mystics, 6 Wise...

The best Chosen (Chosen) champions

Sage Chosen Morgana ou Talon Chosen Sage / Assassin : Obviously, your best options in chosen are Morgana or Talon since they serve as your main carry. Talon can also be obtained in Assassin to be able to do without Pyke.

Janna Chosen Sage ou Irelia Chosen Sage/Adept: Chosen Janna is very powerful in the early game, and can give you a winning streak. Irelia is also interesting, being able to also be chosen as an elected Adept.

Morgana Chosen Siphon : It is possible to play 4 Siphons if you have Morgana elected.

Shen ou Janna Chosen Mystic: In a lobby with a lot of magic damage, you can play 4 Mystics if you have a chosen one.

When to Play Comp and Victory Conditions

When to play the comp

This composition is possible to force, but try to meet at least one of these conditions before considering it.

  • You have good early/mid game units : Ideally with this comp you don't want to roll until you transition to level 8, having a good early and midgame allows you to get there with a lot more HP.
  • You have interesting items for Talon and/or Morgana : Some BF Glaives for Talon are interesting, while the Morellonomicon on Morgana is absolutely necessary.

Top 1 Conditions

You will usually need one of these conditions to win the game.

  • Talon or Morgana 3 stars : This condition is difficult to achieve when you are challenged, but it is very powerful.
  • Level 9 with all your 2-star champions : This composition benefits a lot from level 9 to add additional synergies.

Preferred items

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

Talon is your main carry, so his items should be the priority in this comp.

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Infinity blade : The synergy with the Assassin bonus so that Talon's spell inflicts criticals is essential for him to one-shot his targets.
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel : With this item, your Talon can continue to do its job even if it suffers an adverse burst, for example from an Aurelion Sol or a Kindred.
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics giant slayer : The third item is freer: a Giant Slayer is excellent against 3-star champions, Brawlers and Warmasters, while a TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Last breath works very well against Sylvesters or Initiators. A TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics hand of justice will be a safe choice the rest of the time.

Other options :
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Thirst for blood, TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Ouragan de Runaan, TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Ultra-fast cannon et TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Doom Blade are interesting offensively, while  TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Mercury can be very useful defensively against a lot of checks.

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

Morgana doesn't necessarily need 3 items, but it can actually provide some excellent additional damage to your comp.

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics morellonomicon : Perhaps the most indispensable object of the composition, the synergy between the Morgana zone and the burn and the anti-healing is excellent.
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Chalice of Power : In addition to allowing you to cast a little earlier, the Chalice's magic power bonus can be very interesting for Morgana, but also your Talon or Irelia.
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Zeke's Crest : This item is very important to increase Talon's attack speed. It can be worn by a champion other than Morgana.

Other options :
Offensively, the TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Rabadon's Headdress, the TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Precious Gauntlet ou TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Echo of Luden can be interesting. Morgana can also equip a TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Iron Solari Medallion for the shield.

What to do with a Spatula?

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Divine Sword (TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics) : Change Heel in Divine Being can be interesting, especially if you enter a fourth (like Read without) at level 9.
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Youmuu Specter Blade (TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics) : Change irelia (for example) in Assassin allows you to do without Pyke and bring in an additional synergy.

Other Interesting Items

Other defensive items : irelia takes advantage of your defensive or utility items very well (TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Redemption, TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Shroud of appeasement... ) since the longer she lives, the more she can cast her spell. It also benefits from TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Thief's Gloves.
TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics blue buff, TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Warmog Armor I ne can be a late game secondary carry with some items.

Course of the game

Note that the composition recommendations at the different levels are only examples: you can play all kinds of different powerful boards until the final composition, the main thing being to find champions to hold the items of Heel and Morgana time to find them.

First carousel

If you want to force this composition, you should aim for a TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics BF Sword to TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics Training gloves.

Early game (Stage 2)

Levels 3/4 (Round 2-3)

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

The beginning of this composition is particular since you simply want play your strongest board. The most common will be when you have a Fiora elected using a combination of Wise men and Duelists with Yasuo to hold objects Heel. Another option is to play Fanatics (cultist) with Zed to hold objects Heel if you find a Chosen Fanatic !

With this composition you generally want to pass level 4 naturally in round 2-3 and have about 10 PO at this stage. If you have a powerful board allowing you to win rounds, do not hesitate to level up from round 2-1.

Level 5 (Round 2-5)

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

Au 5 level, you can for example add a fourth Duelist ou Legend (according to what you have, and according to which elect you have).

It may be interesting to pre-level to level 5 : when you are level 4 to 4/10 XP (round 2-3 or 2-6), you buy 4 XP to go to level 5 at the start of the next round. This gives you the option of having 4 gold champions in your shop, like Heel ou Morgana for example with a bit of luck.

Midgame (Stages 3 and 4)

Level 6 (Round 3-2 or 3-4)

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

If you play a board Duelists / Sage, you should just add what you're missing to get some 4 of each au 6 level : irelia ou Kalista. If you don't have either, yummi can do the trick.

Depending on the state of your economy, you should spend 6 level en round 3-2, even if you only have 20 GP left. This will increase your chances of finding Morgana to Heel.

Level 7 (Round 4-1)

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

Once passed 7 level, you will have to make a choice: if you have too little HP (below 40), you can roll at least the time to stabilize and to have 2 star champions.

Generally, it is better wait for level 8 to roll, because you will have a much better chance of finding your champions at 4 range, especially a new chosen one.

Endgame (Stage 5+)

Level 8 (Round 5-1)

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

Usually you want pass level 8 at the beginning of stage 5 to still have a good economy and roll for your upgrades. If you had a elected at the start of the game (a Fanatic ou Fiora for example), sell it before rolling to try to find a better one.

The chosen one you find and the lobby you are in should determine your final units. Try if possible to have a elected at 4 PO, and play around its synergies and your lobby. For example, you can play 4 Mystics, 4 Siphons or even 3 / 4 Followers (by adding I ne).

Time to find your Zilean and your I ne, you can just play 6 Wise if you have the right chosen one, or else champions like Janna, yummi...

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics
An example board without Yone or Zilean.

If you are not challenged at all on Heel et / ou Morgana, You can stay level 8 until the end of the game and boost your economy up to 50 gold for slow roll to have them in 3 stars. This strategy is especially recommended if you still have at least 50+ HP and Neeko's Helping Hands. If it's risky, it's also the best way to win the lobby.

9 level

If you're contested on Talon and Morgana but still have a lot of HP anyway, it's best to just pass level 9. Only plan to go to level 9 once all your important units (Heel, Shen, Morgana) are 2 stars and if you have enough HP. 

At level 9, you can add different units depending on the chosen one and the direction you have taken. You will often be able to simply add powerful late game units, like Read without ou Azir. Another option is to remove Pyke to add Vladimir et Swain one fits one 4 Siphons.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Sage (Enlightened) / Assassin with Talon on Teamfight Tactics

The most important thing in your positioning will be to pay attention that Heel go target a fragile champion first: if he finds himself stuck on a tank that he can't one-shot, you may have a hard time winning.

Si Morgana ranged attack, it is better positioned in First line : with other units around, it is unlikely that she dies too quickly from enemy hits, but it allows her to cast much faster and regenerate with her class of Siphonor.

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