TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: Selenite (Moonlight) and Hunter (Hunter) Slow roll composition on Teamfight Tactics How to play the Selenite / Hunter Slow roll composition? The writing explains everything to you: composition, elected, items, progress and positioning!

The composition Selenite / Hunter from Teamfight Tactics is a high roll comp that is risky but can give a top 1 when completed.

  • Read also | Our tier list of compositions

The composition Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) / Hunter (Hunter)

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics
When in doubt, always rely on this image for the objects rather than those in the "Procedure" section.

The composition Selenite / Hunter bet on Aphelios 4 stars for late-game carry using others Selenites, but especially hunters to allow him to annihilate opposing champions with the proc of his towers. It is based on a slow roll strategy: roll your gold above 50 gold every turn in order to find 3-star champions.

This composition is rather risky but can give a nice reward: it will often fetch a top 1 when completed with the right items, but can be a top 8 if you can't find your units.

The best Chosen (Chosen) champions

Aphelios or Lissandra Chosen Selenite: Generally, you should always try to get a Selenite Chosen (Moonlight) before considering this build, allowing you to only have to level up 2 champions to 3-star to benefit the most.

Selenite Chosen Diana or Sylas: Both of these units are slightly less useful than Aphelios or Lissandra, with the former being weaker without items and the latter being harder to get to 3 stars.

Aphelios Chosen Hunter: It is possible to play this composition with Aphelios elected Hunter, and therefore to play with Diana and Lissandra in addition for the 3 Selenites.

When to Play Comp and Victory Conditions

When to play the comp

This composition is possible to force, but try to meet at least one of these conditions before considering it.

  • You have a chosen Selenite : If at the start of the game you have a chosen Selenite in your shop: go for it. If the chosen one is Diana, it is possible to play her in carry instead of Aphelios with Assassins.
  • You are not more than two to play the composition : Since you need 3 star champions, the less contested you are the easier it is to get them.


Top 1 Conditions

You will usually need one of these conditions to win the game.

  • 4 star Aphelios with 3 good items : You will not be able to win a lobby if you do not have your 4-star Aphelios with at least Guinsoo's Raging Blade, Guardian Angel / Mercury and another offensive item.

Preferred items

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

Aphelios items are your top priority since it's your main carry.

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Guinsoo's Raging Blade : This is Aphelios' most important item, as it benefits hugely from Attack Speed, allowing him to gain DPS exponentially in combat.
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Mercury : If you are dealing with control, Mercury can be paramount in winning late game fights. TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel is better against Assassins/Shadows.
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics hand of justice : Aphelios' third item is more flexible. The Hand of Justice is always interesting, whether it's for the healing or the additional damage.

Other options :
For the third item, Aphelios can choose from a long list of offensive items: TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics giant slayer against Brawlers or Warmasters, TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Last breath against Initiators or Sylvesters, TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Infinity blade, TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Doom Blade, TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Thirst for blood ou TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Lance de Shojin to simply increase his DPS.

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics


TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

Aura items are still relevant in this comp, and they'll usually go on Kindred or Ezreal.

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Zeke's Crest : Aphelios wants to have the maximum attack speed, making this item one of the best. You can make several copies without hesitation.
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Chalice of Power : A little less interesting than the Zeke, the Chalice nevertheless remains powerful.

Other options :

Le TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Iron Solari Medallion is also to be considered, especially for the beginning of the game.

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

Sett is an interesting late-game champion: a Sett with good items will be the difference between a top 4 and a top 1.

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Precious Gauntlet : If Sett's spell crits, it can deal massive damage to fragile champions. You can equip multiple copies of this item.

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics hand of justice : A good all-purpose item that can considerably increase the damage of Sett's spell, in addition to allowing him to cast a bit faster.
TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Pistolame hextech : Sett can regenerate enormously with his spell with this item.

Other options :

Offensively, he can use items such as the TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Rabadon's Headdress TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Infinity blade (if he already has one) TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Precious Gauntlet), the TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics morellonomicon... Most defensive items are situational but can work on Sett. So you can use a TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics frozen heart, the TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics dragon claw, for an TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Shroud of Calming, the TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Will of the Titan, the TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics bramble armor, the TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Redemption...

What to do with a Spatula?

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Sylvester Sprout (TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics): You can change Sept. in Sylvester for example. Another option is to change Aphelios in Sylvester and play 6.

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Divine Sword (TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics) : Change Aphelios ou Ashe in Divine Being can be powerful, if you decide to play more (Lee Sin, Lux, Irelia...).

Otherwise, you can always keep your Spatulas to try to make a TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Force of nature.

Other Interesting Items

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Portail de Zz'Rot : Very interesting on Lisandra which is usually 3 stars, resulting in a rather powerful creature.

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics Morellonomicon: For a lot of healing, this item is very powerful on Ezreal in the late game.

Course of the game

First carousel

If you want to force this composition, you should almost always aim for a TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics curved arch or a TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics BF Sword during the first carousel.

Early game (Stage 2)

Levels 3/4 (Round 2-3)

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

With this composition, you should always try to have the strongest possible economy even if it means making a losing streak throughout stage 2. This will then allow you to always have the carousel priority to have your perfect items on Aphelios.

Thus, we recommend that you only purchase your units Selenites (Aphelios et Diana ou Lisandra, the three if you force the composition without having elected). Sell ​​all other superfluous units if it allows you to pass economy stages sooner and never buy XP.

Ideally you will want to have 10 gold in round 2-1 or 2-2, then switch to 30 in 2-5 et 50 in 2-7. You might lose a lot of HP, but that will be made up for later once you get your comp 

Midgame (Stages 3 and 4)

Level 5 (Round 3-2)

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

As soon as you increase to more than 50 gold, you will have to start slow roll : roll all your gold each turn above 50 gold. Your goal is to buy all copies of Aphelios et Diana, Sylas ou Lisandra (according to your chosen one) to have all your Selenites 3 stars

  • Read also | Slow roll, the mid-game roll strategy

You should pass 5 level naturally in round 3-2 and slow roll for most of stage 3 like this. You can also start playing your first SpiritsIncluding yummi et Kindred which are powerful at this point. Do not hesitate to return Janna as a bonus for having 2 Mystics if there is a lot of magic damage in the lobby.

Tier 6 (When you have 3 star Lissandra/Diana)

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

Once you have Lisandra et / ou Diana 3 stars, you should start leveling up. Generally, this moment should come around the beginning of Stage 4, and you should then go all the way to 7 level maintaining your economy. Indeed, for Aphelios which cost 2 PO, you increase your chances of getting it by continuing to slow roll at levels 6 or 7. 

Note that you can pass 6 level without having Lissandra 3 if you are only missing a few copies but still have fewAphelios : Increased chance to get Aphelios and decreased chance to get Lissandra should balance the timing when you get both.

Endgame (Stage 5+)

Level 7 (End of Stage 4 or beginning of Stage 5)

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

Once 7 level, you should continue to slow roll for Aphelios 3 and add your hunters the most powerful ones to boost it again. If you are only missing a few copies of your Selenites and you start to get low on HP, feel free to roll lower than 50 gold in order to finally have your 4 star Aphelios and start moving up the lobby.

Level 7 can sometimes be your end game if you don't have time to get your economy back up, but once you've found your Moonstones you should try to go for level 8.

Level 8 (End of Stage 5 or beginning of Stage 6)

TFT: Compo Slow roll Selenite (Moonlight) and Chasseur (Hunter) on Teamfight Tactics

You don't have a particularly powerful synergy to add to the 8 level, but you can just add strong units individually. Sept. is obviously the best choice, providing an additional damage burst. Ezreal can also replace yummi for bonuses Mesmer et Sylvestre

Your final composition remains however rather flexible: you can play 6 Sylvestres, Kayn to attack the opposing backline, Azir to protect Aphelios, 4 Spirits, 6 Brawlers...

9 level

It will be rather rare to pass 9 level with this composition, but if you succeed you can add Azir for example which does not require any particular synergy to be powerful, offering frontline and additional protection to your hunters.

Positioning Tips

With this composition you should always ensure thatAphelios be your last unit to die. To do this, put him in a corner and protect him with other champions around. Lisandra can protect it from Assassins / Shadows with a sacred clothe Portail de Zz'Rot who will taunt them if they jump on him.

Sept. should be alone in the frontline at the start of the fight: the faster he drops below 40% HP, the faster he will come back into the fight with a boost.

If you play with Diana, always put it on the same side as your frontline: yummi jumps on the target that has the least HP with its spell, then on the one furthest from its position. You still want her to jump onto one of your frontline units, then onto Aphelios to give him the attack speed boost. If Yuumi is on the same side as Diana, she is less likely to target Diana.


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