TFT: FR players qualified for Worlds qualifications

Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: French players qualified for the Worlds qualifications Find the list of French players qualified for the TFT Worlds qualification tournament.

TFT's competitive season officially began on Tuesday, June 16. Since that date, all players have been fighting on the ladder in order to place themselves highest each week and thus score points to qualify for the Teamfight Tactics Worlds, which will take place at the end of Set 3.

Find the list of the 14 FR players who managed to accumulate enough points to join the qualifiers, but also the format of the latter.

  • Read also | Info about TFT Worlds.

Qualified FR players

In total, 40 players from the EUW server will participate in the Worlds qualifiers. Here is the list of the 13 French-speaking players who have managed to climb high enough in the rankings during the last five weeks!

Qualified FR players Points
TheAware 290 (5e)
Voltariux 270 (7e)
ImSoFresh 250 (10e)
INI Magarky 240 (11e)
Un33d 230 (13e)
Double61 225 (15e)
ShowTV 205 (24e)
IVK 200 (28e)
Bränk 200 (30e)
Qetzer 200 (31e)
TFTACK 195 (36e)
Torlk 190 (39e)
Shaunz 190 (40e)
  • Read also | Our interview with Voltariux on its competitive ambition.

Find all the results of Riot Games on this link.

The qualifying format for the TFT Worlds

The qualifications

Every week from Tuesday, June 16, 2020, the 300 best players EUW, EUNE and CEI servers will score points based on their ranking in ranked at the end of the week. After 5 weeks, i.e. the Tuesday 21 July, the 64 players different servers who have accumulated the most points will join the final qualification, with a chance to compete in Worlds afterwards. To be eligible to earn points, each player must play at least 10 games during the week.

TFT: FR players qualified for Worlds qualifications

The higher the ranking at the end of the week (Monday at 23:59), the more points players will score:

Ranking 1-10 11-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-300
Points 60 50 40 25 10 5

The final

The final will be a tournament that will allow 3 players to qualify for the World Championships. It takes place in 3 phases: the group phase on August 8 and 9, the semi-final on August 15 and the grand final on August 16.

group stage : 64 players compete over 5 rounds with lounges that vary from round to round. After these 5 rounds, the 32 players with the most points continue and compete for another 5 rounds. 

Semi final : The top 16 players from the group stage compete over 5 rounds in 2 fixed rooms of 8 players, determined according to the results of the previous weekend. The top 4 players from each group will go to the final.

Here is the points system according to the ranking for the group stage and the semi-final:

Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Points 10 8 7 6 4 3 2 1

Grand Final : The 8 best players of the tournament compete in an unlimited number of rounds. The first player to win a round when he already has 18 points qualifies for the Worlds. The remaining two places are awarded to players with the highest scores. In case of a tie, they will be decided according to the number of times they have finished first, then second, then third and fourth. If that's not enough, the ranking of the last round will decide between them.

For the final, the point system varies slightly:

Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Points 10 8 7 5 4 3 2 1

We update this article daily so that you can follow the evolution of the rank of the various French representatives. As said above, do not hesitate to let us know if some players have been forgotten.

TFT: FR players qualified for Worlds qualifications
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