TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained We present a comprehensive glossary of TFT technical terms.

Like all games, Teamfight Tactics has specialized jargon that may seem impenetrable at first glance. If you watch streamers, or if you read articles, you may notice terms that you do not necessarily understand.

Never fear, we have you listed all technical terms of TFT with their definition and an example of their use.

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The lexicon of rolls on TFT

(Re) Roll : Spend 2 gold to refresh your shop and get 5 new champions. 

“Now that I'm level 8 I have to roll to find Olaf. »

By extension, a roll can also be used to talk about the 5 champions available in your store.

“3 Olaf in the shop, it's a blessed roll! »

Slow roll : Be at 50 gold and roll the excess gold without going below 50 each round.

“I still need 3 Zed to pass it 3 stars, I should slow roll to level 7.”

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  • TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions ExplainedThe guide of slow roll

Hyper roll : Roll a lot of gold at once or even all of your gold, often to get a 3-star champion.

"I almost have 3-star Yasuo, I should hyper roll to level 4."

Donkey roll : Roll to 0 range every round.

“I won't be able to level 9 this game, I just have to donkey roll to the end and pray to hit my champions. »

The lexicon of levels and economy

Eco : Economy, the amount of gold you have at time T.

“I only have 20 gold in the golems, I have really bad eco this part. »

Interest Tier : Amount of gold that gives additional gold in the next round: +1 gold when you have 10 gold, +2 at 20, +3 at 30, +4 at 40 and +5 at 50 and more.

“By selling this champion I can go to the 20 gold level. »

Econ' : Keep your gold to pass a level of interest, often by selling a champion.

"If I win the fight I can sell Kindred for savings and increase to 30 gold"

Level / Push : Buy XP to level up.

“There I should push 7 it only costs me 20 golds. »

Pre-level / Pre-push : Buy XP to level up at the start of the next round, for example by being at 4/6 or 8/10 XP. The goal is to have a shop of the higher level at the next natural roll, and thus have a better chance of having champions at a higher cost.

"Here I'm looking for Akali, I can pre-level 5 to increase my chances of having a champion at 3 gold in the next round. »

Win / Loss streak : Series of victory / defeat.

open fortress : Sell your units at the start of the game to be voluntarily weak but have a big economy and have a losing streak.

“I got a lot of gold on the PVE and I can't win streak anyway, I should open strong. »

Sack : Accept to lose the next rounds to keep your economy.

“I have enough HP to sack the next two rounds until PVE, then push 8 and roll. »

The lexicon of champions

Carry : The champion who deals the damage in your composition and must receive 3 items. You can also have a secondary carry.

“With these items I can play Olaf carry, with Samira as secondary carry. »

AD : Attack damage (physical).

“I need an AD item for my Xayah it lacks damage. »

AP : Magic power.

“My Aurelion Sol doesn't do enough damage, it lacks AP! »

cast : Cast his spell.

“I need a Guardian Angel on my Kennen otherwise he dies before casting. »

Transition unit : Champion who is used to carry items until they are replaced by a more expensive carry.

“I can play Twisted Fate in transition unit while I find Aurelion Sol. »

Flex : Play flexibly, without committing to a specific composition but keeping your options open.

“With these components I don't know what I can play yet, for the moment I'm just going to play flex while I find a direction. »

Bench : Bench, units you have on the side but are not currently playing.

“He has 5 Cho'Gath on his bench, you have to be careful he will soon have 3 stars. »

Board : Board, the units you are currently playing.

“My board is too weak, I should probably roll. »

Strongest board : Play the best possible units available to you at the moment T, even if you risk selling them later.

“For the moment I'm just going to play my strongest board and win streak before setting out on a precise composition. »

The lexicon of positioning

Frontline : Front row, closest to your opponents. By extension, this term also includes tanks that go on this line.

“With Sejuani and Aatrox, my frontline should be strong enough. »

Backline : Last line, furthest from your opponents. By extension, the champions who go there.

“My backline dies too quickly, I should position myself differently. »

Bait : A unit (champion, soldier of azir, training dummy) generally expendable positioned in a specific place to absorb a spell or an opposing object (Zephyr, spell of Aurelion Sol, of Aatrox...) instead of your most important champions.

“I can put Azir's soldier in the corner in bait for the Aurelion Sol spell and protect my Kayle. »

Corner : Position a unit in a bottom corner (bottom right or bottom left).

“Kayle has enough range, I can corner her. »

Corner stack : Position several units around your carry in the corner to block access to Assassins.

“If I corner stack around my Aurelion Sol his Assassins have no way of waiting for him. »

The lexicon of the process

Round : Name given to each phase of the game, with the preparation then the confrontation against an opponent or monsters. 

“I can still hold on even if I lose the next two rounds. »

Round 2-7 (for example) also describes the 7th round of stage 2.

“I can wait and roll to 5-1. »

STAGE : Set of 7 rounds, including (except for Stage 1) 5 encounters against players, 1 encounter against neutral monsters and 1 carousel.

“My board is weak right now, I will probably lose most of Stage 4.”

PVE : Confrontation against neutral monsters, especially at the start of the game and then at the end of each stage.

“I wait until after the PVE and I push then. »

Early / Mid / Late game : Beginning, middle and end of the game. Early game is usually Stages 1 and 2, middle is Stages 3 and 4, and late game is from Stage 5.

“My early game was horrible, but I have good eco so I can probably catch up late. »

high roll / low roll : Highroll means to have had luck, lowroll on the contrary means to have had no luck.

“The top 1 has giga highroll, honestly if I make top 4 considering how I have lowroll it's already not bad. »

Transition : Replace his current board to play his final composition.

"I'm going to have to chill after the PVE, I have to sell Kindred and Yuumi to bring in Olaf and Samira. »

Swing : Change his game plan to go play a composition that you had not originally planned to play.

“With these 3 Wands I can pivot towards an Aurelion Sol composition in the end. »

Grief : To purposely handicap another player, by buying the units he is looking for, by breaking his win/loss streak or by stealing the champion he wants from the carousel for example.

“I only miss one Kayle to have Kayle 3 but he is complaining to me with the 2 he has on the bench! ".

The lexicon of objects

Slam : Combine two components at the start of the game to make an object.

“With these components I can slam a Chalice. »

Spat' : Spatula, by extension spatula object.

"I can make a Spat' Duelist for my Kayle here." »

  • GA : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions ExplainedGuardian Angel / Guardian Angel
  • IE : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Infinity Edge / Infinity Blade
  • Bike : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Hand of Justice / Main de la justice
  • Bramble : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Bramble vest / Bramble armor
  • Claw TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Dragon claw / Griffe de dragon
  • Shroud : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Shroud of stillness / Shroud of appeasement
  • Locket : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Locket of the Iron Solari / Medallion of the Iron Solari
  • RFC : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Rapidfire cannon / Ultra-rapid cannon
  • QSS : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Mercury
  • BT : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Bloodthirster / Bloodlust
  • FoN : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Force of nature / Force de la nature
  • Gloves Gloves : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Thief's gloves
  • Spell crit : TFT Glossary: ​​All Terms and Expressions Explained Jeweled gauntlet / Precious gauntlet

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