TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight composition How to play the Guardian / Dragon / Knight composition? The writing explains everything: tips, composition, items, progress and positioning!

New composition in 9.20, the combination of Guardians, Knights, Dragons and Sorcerers works particularly since the chance bonus for obtaining champions at 5 gold. Now very strong, this composition is easily capable of top 1 if you find all the units, although it usually relies on a Spatula.

Read also: The Tier list of compositions

The composition


TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo
Mordekaiser (1) Poppy (3) Sejuani (4) Kayle (5) Leona (4) Pantheon (5) Aurelion Sol (4) Karthus (5)
TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Ghost (2)

At the start of the fight, curses a random opponent whose HP increases to 100.

TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Dragon (2)

Dragons have 75% magic resistance.

TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Knight (4)

All allies block 35 damage each time they take damage.

TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Guardian (2)

At the start of combat, all adjacent Guardian allies receive +45 Armor.

TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Sorcerer (3)

       with TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo

All allies have +40% Magic Damage.

This composition is based on the duet of Pantheon et Aurelion Sol for carry, both being made very tanky by bonuses guardian, Knight et Dragon

While it may seem very expensive, with 3 units at 5 gold and 3 at 4 gold, many of the champions in the list can be replaced by cheaper versions. However, with the increased chance of obtaining tier 5 champions at levels 8 and 9, this final composition is possible to obtain.

Preferred items

TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo
TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo
yummi Ion Spark thorny coat morellonomicon

Ideally, you'll want to get either yummi or,  TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Knight's Wish in order to guarantee to have all the necessary synergies. In either case, the object will usually go on Pantheon. If you have a Knight's Wish, you will need to add a third Sorcier (Twisted Fate, Lulu...) instead of one of knights.

Pantheon will often play the role of main carry, which will work very well with thorny coat and another defensive item in addition to yummi ou Knight's Wish. Thus, he will be able to reflect a lot of damage and will be very difficult to kill. The third object will often be a TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Warmog, living armor or a TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Redemption.

Since the fights will tend to last a long time due to the composition being very tanky, several Ion sparks will work very well. They will usually go to Aurelion Sol, with a bonus morellonomicon to further boost its area damage.

If you use Aurelion Sol in main carry, he can also use more standard items from Wizard TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Lance de Shojin ou TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Seraph's Embrace for mana, TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Rabadon's Headdress ou TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Precious Gloves for magic damage.

Start of the game and progress

The start of the game will usually begin with a Knight classic: Darius, Thread, Mordekaiser et poppy. It will then be recommended to give objects (like theIonic Spark and morellonomicon) To Thread for example, which you will usually sell later for the benefit of Sejuani. 

This composition benefits enormously from the 8 level, that's why you will have to save as much as possible trying to stay always above 50 gold to maximize your interests, even if it means losing points. This loss will also make it easier for you to obtain a Spatula during the carousel.

In the middle of the game, you will have to find a unit that will serve as your temporary carry until you get Aurelion Sol et Pantheon. This can for example be Lisandra, or Lucian, which generally works quite well without specific synergy. You will add guardians as soon as you get the chance, Brew can equip the thorny coat before leaving it Pantheon.

Lesson 3 Wizards are the last piece to add once you have Aurelion Sol. Shyvana can be used temporarily if you are unable to find Pantheon. However, it is recommended to pass 8 level (normally a few rounds after the wolves) and roll all your economy to find your tier 5 units (Pantheon, Karthus, But also Aurelion Sol, Sejuani et Leona).

Positioning and options at the end of the game

TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo

There are a lot of possible positions with this composition, but this one allows to affect a maximum of units with the bonuses guardians, while avoiding too much exposure to area damage and Hextechs opponents.

As said before, many units are replaceable in this composition, except Pantheon et Aurelion Sol who are the carrys. For example, failing to find Karthus, you can either opt for Kindred to keep the ghost bonus, or for another Wizard for magic damage. 

Ideal support Wizards will usually be Lulu ou Twisted fate, since they provide utility (survivability or mana generation) to assist carries. Morgana is also possible if you have a TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Darkin on the fact Aurelion Sol for example.

Leona provides a stun which can be very effective, however it can be replaced with Brew if you can't find it. It is also particularly effective against Prowlers, since it will block a lot of their damage.

Finally, the choice of the 4 knights is not fixed, although Mordekaiser be important for the bonus Ghost, and Sejuani for his ultimate. Kayle is clearly not essential, and can be replaced by Thread ou Darius (or even a TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo Knight's Wish)

The advantage of this composition is that it is always possible to rotate. If you found Aurelion Sol and several Shapeshifters, you can go on a composition Exodia in place. If on the other hand you have your 4 knights and you find items for a Draven, the Imperial composition can be interesting. 

TFT: Guardian, Dragon and Knight Compo

All info about Teamfight Tactics (TFT)

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