Jayce joins Teamfight Tactics in patch 9.16, alongside the other Hextechs (Camille, Vi, and Jinx). 9.16 is expected to arrive on August 14 on official servers.
Jayce on TFT
Cost |
2 PO |
Origin |
hextech : At the start of the fight, deactivates all items for a champion and surrounding champions for 8 seconds. 2 units: 1 space around the target 4 units: 2 squares around the target |
Class |
Shapeshifter : Shapeshifters gain bonus HP when they transform. 3 units: 60% of their Max HP 6 units: 120% of their Max HP |
latest |
Jayce knocks his target back, dealing 150/225/300 damage and stunning them for 2,5/4,25/6 seconds. It then transforms, permanently gaining 3 squares of range, and 100/300/500% attack speed for the next 3/5/7 attacks. |
What |
100 |
Point of view |
600/1080/2160 |
Armor |
30 |
magic resistance |
20 |
Damage |
55/99/196 |
Attack speed |
0.7 per second |
39/69/139 |
Range |
1 (then 4 after transformation) |
Synergies |
Hextech : Shapeshifter: |
Comp and synergies with Jayce on TFT
Jayce should quickly find his place in the compositions Shapeshifters, who usually struggle to find three good units before the arrival of Gnar. Much more effective than Elise, it could be interesting in compositions which do not specifically seek to make Shyvana the carry for example and can therefore do without it, or replace Nidalee at the end of the game.
What makes it strong is its ultimate, which doesn't cost a lot of mana and allows you to clear a champion in the front line. Since it launches quickly, it can, for example, take a Sejuani or a Cho'Gath out of combat before the latter have been able to cast their spell, stunning them at the same time. It also offers good damage after its transformation.
All info about Teamfight Tactics (TFT)