Riot Games is not completely simplified with several objects on Teamfight Tactics which should be greatly modified or even simply replaced in 10.1. Here is all the info released by Riot in their official press release, as well as some other possibilities that have been found by the community on the PBE.
New items on TFT
REPLAC repeating crossbowEE by Last Breath
When the wearer inflicts a critical hit, it reduces the target's armor by 90% for 3 seconds.
The repeating crossbow is too risky and can't even go on champions who already have 3 items (or 2 items and an elemental slot bonus), usually the carries that would benefit the most. The Last Breath aims to counter tanks that have a lot of armor.
Thorny Mail REPLACEE by
bramble armor
Critical hits deal normal damage to the wielder. When the bearer is hit by an auto attack, he inflicts 80/120/160 magic damage to enemies around him (according to his level). This effect cannot occur more than once per second.
Thornmail was only really effective on one champion: Braum, who blocked a lot of damage with his shield and therefore reflected a lot of it. Bramble Armor should replace Ghost Dancer's current effect and be more viable for any tank.
REPLAC Ghost DancerStar by Will of the Titan
When the wearer is hit by damage or inflicts a critical hit, they gain a bonus of 1% damage. This bonus is added up to 80 times, then offering +25 Armor and +25 Magic resistance in addition to making the champion grow.
Phantom Dancer was problematic when preventing crits, and is now too weak since being nerfed in 9.23. As a result, Will of the Titan will be more about boosting champions that deal damage and stay in the fray for a long time. It will be particularly effective against champions that inflict damage over time (Singed, Underworld, Summoners...).
Rework of different objects
Gantelet givrant
old effect : The bearer creates an area that slows attack speed by 25% when dodging an attack.
New effect : After casting a spell, the bearer's next attack freezes its target for 1,5 seconds.
While the idea of ​​freezing the map with the Freezing Gauntlet was interesting, it led to scenarios where the item was too strong on some champions (notably Jax) and not strong enough on others. The new effect should benefit champions who use their ultimate a lot, especially Ezreal or Kindred.
old effect : Every 3 seconds, the wearer can avoid the next control.
New effect : The bearer is immune to controls.
It was hard to see Mercury's effect, and the timing to avoid checks could make it useless at times. The new effect will be able to transform any champion into Olaf under ultimate.
frozen heart
old effect : Reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies by 25%.
New effect : Reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies by 40%. Accumulating multiple Frozen Hearts increases the radius of the affected area.
Rather than further reducing attack speed when a unit has multiple Frozen Hearts, which could lead to very slow rounds and being too effective, the new effect is more focused on affecting more opponents. with the debuff.
Ion Spark
old effect : The bearer inflicts 90 pure damage to opponents when they cast a spell.
New effect : Enemies within 3 squares of the wearer suffer 200% of their maximum mana in damage when they cast a spell.
The Ion Spark was not a very fair item: it hit all opponents regardless of their position, and did them all the same damage regardless of the impact of their ultimate. This new version asks more to think about who to equip the item: on an Assassin to reach the backline, or on one of your champions in the background to kill the tanks faster?
Medallion of the Iron Solari,
Dagger of Statikk and
Echo of Luden
The effect is now based on the level of the equipped champion.
While it's okay to have sharper items for the early game, it's nice to give them the ability to stay competitive longer with this new mechanic.
All of these changes are expected to arrive in Patch 10.1, scheduled for Wednesday January 8 2020.
Four other new items to come?
Along with all of these reworks and other replacements, the community discovered several potential new items in the PBE files. Their recipe is not yet identified, so it is possible that they replace already existing objects or that a new component is in preparation.
Nearby opponents lose a large percentage of their damage when attacking the equipped champion, or a smaller percentage if they are more than two cells away. This effect lasts for a few seconds and does not stack.
When a unit dies, the wielder gains mana.
Chalice of Favor
When the wearer casts a spell, it grants mana to nearby allies.
Shroud of Stillness
When the wearer drops below a certain percentage of their HP, they become untargetable, invulnerable but unable to move for a few seconds.
Some objects seem similar to other already existing ones, in particular the Shroud of Stillness which is very reminiscent ofGuardian angel. Chalice of Favor could replace theSeraph's Embrace, and the Catalyst la Redemption (since the item exists in LoL and gives HP and mana). Nothing is official for the moment concerning these different objects. We will update this article as new information becomes available.
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