TFT: Patch 10.8b, hotfix nerf for Syndra, Shaco and Dark Pulsar

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT: Patch 10.8b, nerfed hotfix for Syndra, Shaco and Dark Pulsar Find all the information on the TFT patch 10.8 hotfix!

After a patch 10.8 of Teamfight Tactics loaded, and which had propelled the Dark Pulsar and Star Guardian comps to the top of the meta, Riot Games reacted quickly. This Wednesday, April 22, the studio deployed a hotfix aimed at nerfing those elements that seemed too dominant in the meta.

  • Read also | The cheat sheet of the best compositions in 10.8.

Patch 10.8 Hotfix Dark Pulsar Nerf



Press Shadow

(3) Bonus magic power / attack damage unchanged (25).
Bonus magic power / attack damage reduced: 35 → 30
(9) Bonus magic power / attack damage reduced: 45 → 35


The 6 Dark Pulsars composition was one of the most dominant in this first week of patch 10.8. Indeed, unlike Star Guardians or Infiltrators / Mecha Pilots which could hardly be played by more than two players, this one does not depend on level 3 units and can therefore easily be forced.

  • Read also | Our guide to the composition 6 Dark Pulsars.

Syndra and Shaco nerfs from patch 10.8 hotfix


Tier 3

TFT: Patch 10.8b, hotfix nerf for Syndra, Shaco and Dark Pulsar


attack damage augmentés : 50/90/162 → 70/126/227
Ultimate damage réduits : 300/325/350% → 200/225/250%
Ultimate Mana Cost adjusted: 0/60 → 30/80

With this nerf, Shaco loses a lot of burst when using his ultimate, something he will also do less often. The Dark Pulsar composition will no doubt lean more towards Jhin and Xerath as carries, while the Infiltrator / Mecha Pilots composition will continue to use their items in priority over the Super-Mecha and Kai'Sa.

TFT: Patch 10.8b, hotfix nerf for Syndra, Shaco and Dark Pulsar


Ultimate Mana Cost increased: 0/50 → 0/65

If Syndra is not taking mana, she will now need 3 extra basic attacks to cast her ultimate, with each attack generating 10 mana. This nerf is therefore very substantial, not allowing him to ult as quickly, and thus slowing down the mana generation of all the other Star Guardians.

  • Read also | Our guide to the composition 6 Star Guardians.

This hotfix also comes with some minor bugfixes. All of these changes were announced in the official patch note.

TFT: Patch 10.8b, hotfix nerf for Syndra, Shaco and Dark Pulsar
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TFT: Patch 10.8b, hotfix nerf for Syndra, Shaco and Dark Pulsar
All the info on set 3 of TFT: Teamfight Tactics Galaxies
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