TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE

Our articles on Combat Tactique TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Compositions to try on the PBE of Teamfight Tactics Galaxies Set 3 is available on the PBE, and what better than a cheat sheet with 4 effective compositions to start well? We detail how they work, the items to choose from...

TFT Set 3 is now available on the PBE! While all the information was revealed this Tuesday evening, we tested Teamfight Tactics: Galaxies and observed the best streamers in order to present you 4 relatively simple and effective compositions to try to properly approach this new set.

  • Read also | 5 tips for approaching Set 3.
  • Read also | All the info on the new champions of set 3.
  • Read also | All the info on the new classes and origins of set 3.


The Cheat Sheet of the Set 3 compounds on the PBE

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE

Click on the image to enlarge.

The Mecha Pilot / Infiltrator / Dark Pulsar comp

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Mecha Pilot (3)

At the start of the fight, three random Mech Pilots merge into one Super Mech until it dies. They then return to the fight. The Super-mecha shares their items and has a unique spell.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Infiltrator (4)

Innate: At the start of the fight, the Infiltrators jump to the back of the opposing territory.

Infiltrators gain +60% attack speed for 6 seconds at the start of combat and after a kill.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Press shadow (3)

When a Dark Pulsar dies, it increases the damage of the nearest ally Dark Pulsar by 30%. The bonus adds up each time.

If you played a composition Assassin with Kha'Zix in carry during Set 2, this team will be familiar to you since shaco plays pretty much the same way: he uses his excellent attack speed and high crit to stay alive with lifesteal and inflict massive damage. In addition, you will also benefit from the super lock to tank a lot. This comp is very strong in the mid game, making it easy for you to save to reach the finish line in first place with good economy.

Preferred items

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Thirst for blood
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Ultra-fast cannon
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE  

shaco is arguably one of the most underrated units in Set 3 at the moment. It is very similar to Kha'Zix in Set 2, his ultimate allowing him to dash towards his target and inflict a heavy critical. As a result, it works extremely well with the Thirst for blood which allows him to easily stay alive as long as there is no anti-heal.


The other preferred objects will generally be the Mercury to prevent him from being controlled, as well as the Ultra-fast cannon so as not to have to move too much between two attacks. He can also use a TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Infinity blade (or even two), one TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Guardian angel, or a TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Guinsoo's Raging Blade where appropriate.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Guardian angel
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Portail de Zz'Rot
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
bramble armor
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE  

Fizz isn't a great unit, but its items will go to the super lock at the start of the round. In order to increase his tankiness and allow him to cast his spell, theGuardian angel and bramble armor will be very strong. the Portail de Zz'Rot will allow him to summon a Void creature when the Mech dies, but also when Fizz dies much later, making this item a very logical choice.


In order to increase its tankiness, the Super-mecha will also work with items like the TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE dragon claw or  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Will of the Titan for example.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Infinity blade
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
sword breaker
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE   TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE  

Echo can act as a secondary carry, using various objects such as the Infinity blade or TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE giant slayer for damage, but also utility (since his ultimate makes him attack all opponents applying effects on impact) with the sword breaker or TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE red buff.

Tips and Alternatives

This composition is especially strong in the middle game, especially in the 6 level if you have your 4 Infiltrators and your 3 Mecha Pilots. It will then be interesting to roll to find Shaco level 2 and Fizz, Kha'Zix obviously being there to replace Echo before the end of the game. At this point you should be very strong if you have the right items on shaco, which will allow you to save easily to pass level 8.

Au 8 level, you can either add Dark Pulsars (Mordekaiser et Karma, the latter boosting shaco), or other stronger legendary units (Gangplank which will Demolitionist for a huge zone stun, or else a Aurelion Sol which will always be very effective at level 2 for example). Your other priority will be to get Shaco at level 3 if you get the chance, allowing it to not become obsolete. For this purpose it will generally be more interesting to roll than trying to pass level 9. Obviously when you go roll try to take Echo, which will be much stronger than Kha'Zix at the end of the game. 

In terms of positioning, try to have your units at the back in order to force the opponents to advance so that your Infiltrators attack the backline. Contrary to Assassins, Infiltrators do not jump towards the furthest opponent but simply in a straight line at the bottom of the opponent's board. Remember to regularly watch where the enemy carries are positioned so that shaco quickly kill them.

The Cyborg/Blademaster/Valkyrie Comp

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Miss Fortune

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Cyborg (6)

Cyborgs equipped with an item get +750 HP and +75 attack damage.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Blademaster (3)

On impact, Blademasters have a 25% chance to attack twice more.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Valkyrie (2)

Valkyries' attacks and spells always critically hit targets that are below 50% HP.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Atomizer (2)

Every 4 attacks, Atomizers launch 2 additional attacks on other targets within range, dealing double damage.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Mercenary (1)

Mercenaries can be upgraded for gold. Upgrades appear in the shop as champions.

This composition is mainly based on the huge stat boosts offered by the bonus 6 Cyborgs with objects, which explains why it will be interesting to scatter them. irelia will however be the main carry with its bonus Master of Blades, While Miss Fortune et Kayle can also be used as alternative carries.

Preferred items

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Thirst for blood
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
hand of justice
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Guardian angel
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE  

Irelia is the main carry, and she can use a plethora of items. Generally, it will be difficult to give him more than 2 since you will have to try to have some on each of your cyborgs to take full advantage of the trait. She uses healing items very well such as Thirst for blood ou hand of justice, but also those of pure damage like TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Doom Blade ou TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Infinity blade, or tankiness with TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Guardian angel, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Mercury,TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE dragon claw...


Another interesting idea is to simply give it TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Thief's Gloves so that she virtually enjoys 3 objects in one.

As for the other objects, we are not going to go into details, the goal is to have an object on each Cyborg ideally. Here is a list of interesting objects on each of them, from best to worst.

  • Fiora: TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Zéphyr, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Herald of Zeke, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Portail de Zz'Rot
  • Leona : TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Bramble Armor, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Warmog, living armor, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Gripper trap
  • Lucian: TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE I miss Luden, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Giant Slayer, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Seraph's Embrace
  • We : TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE frozen heart, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Morellonomicon, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Guardian angel
  • Echo : TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE thief gloves, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE red buff, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE sword breaker, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Infinity blade

Tips and Alternatives

This composition has the advantage of having a good start to the game with 3 Cyborgs which you can equip with components in order to benefit from the additional stats. With objects like Echo of Luden on the fact Lucian et bramble armor on the fact Leona, you should get strong quickly, and be able to add 3 Master of Blades ou 2 Atomizers afterwards to have a good midgame and save up to level 8.

Indeed, it will be very important to pass level 8 to find Echo as well as your upgrades on irelia et Kayle. Miss Fortune is also a big plus, although not as important. A transition option if you can't find Echo to play 6 Cyborgs is to leave instead on 6 Master of Blades with Master Yi, Yasuo et Shen for example, keeping 3 Cyborgs all the same. In either case, your irelia should be particularly strong. This kind of composition benefits a lot from the 9 level, with the possibility of adding a strong unit (like Thresh, Gangplank ou Aurelion Salt for example).

Positioning does not really have any particular rules, except that you have to pay attention to where Echo for him to jump on the opposing lanes, and usually put Miss Fortune in a corner so that his ultimate hits as many targets as possible. Vi is interesting on one end so that she crosses the board with her ultimate.

The Sorcerer / Star Guardian / Initiator composition

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Sorcerer (6)

The spell power of all allies is increased by 120%.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Star Guardian (3)

When a Star Guardian casts a spell, it generates 30 mana for all other Star Guardians.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Initiator (2)

Initiators gain 70 additional armor.

This composition is the equivalent of Mage / Ocean of Set 2, with lots of mana generation and extra magic damage to boost your spells Wizards. The main carry may be Ahri ou Vel'Koz, but it is above all syndra that it will be necessary to concentrate so that it becomes the generator of mana of all its team.

Preferred items

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Seraph's Embrace
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Chalice of Fervor
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Chalice of Fervor
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE  

syndra only has 40 mana to cast her ultimate, which is why she will be useful with mana generator items. With l'Seraph's Embrace, she will cast her ultimate very often (this one inflicting more damage than the previous one with each cast), giving mana to others Star Guardians. In addition, the Chalice of Fervor grants 10 mana to allies within 2 cells each time she casts a turn.


With so much spam ability, Syndra can also use a TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Echo of Luden for example.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Iron Solari Medallion
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Iron Solari Medallion
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE  

Vel'Koz will deal a lot of damage with his ultimate, but takes a while to cast. Since it inflicts area damage, it will benefit very well from the morellonomicon. The composition lacking a bit of frontline, the Iron Solari Medallion is a good option to compensate for this lack of defense by giving a shield to allies.


If you get your hands on a TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Spatula, you can change Vel'Koz en Guardian of the stars with TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Star Guardian Charm (TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE), or in Demolitionist with TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Demolisher's Charge (TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE), which will be very strong for an area stun if you add Rumble (and why not Fizz for the super lock).

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
    TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Guardian angel
    TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE    

Since you don't have a lot of frontline, having defensive items on Wukong (Guardian angel, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE bramble armor, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Redemption...) on it will help you give time to your Wizards to inflict damage.

Tips and Alternatives

The combination of bonus magic damage from Wizards and the mana generation of Star Guardians makes this composition very strong. However, it will be very wise to try to obtain one or two Iron Solari medallions quickly to make up for the lack of frontline. You can use them on any of your Sorcerers, who can thus act as a carry (like Ahri at the start of the game, for example).

At the frontline level, the combination poppy + Wukong is interesting to have additional control and the generation of mana on poppy, but other options are also interesting, like 2 Brawlers (Cho'Gath + Vi), or some Mecha Pilots (Rumble + Fizz), especially if you change Vel'Koz en Demolitionist. In the case of the Bagarreurs, it may be interesting to start with a composition 4 Brawlers with Kha'Zix et Vel'Koz for néant, and a second Wizard to accompany them.

Pay attention to your positioning, so that your Wizards who are very fragile die too quickly. If you have some Chalices of Fervor on the fact syndra, put on your best Wizards around so that they take advantage of the mana generation. Finally, remember that the fate ofAhri will pass through more opponents if you position it a little further forward than the others (in the second or even third line).

The Chrononaut / Sniper / Brawler composition

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Sniper (2)

Snipers deal 10% more damage for each space between them and their target.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Chrononaut (6)

All allies gain 75% attack speed every 4 seconds.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Brawler (2)

Brawlers gain an additional 250 HP.

If you've always dreamed of inflicting huge critical hits with Jhin, up to 4000+ damage per hit, this comp is for you. She takes advantage of the fact that he turns attack speed into damage to use the huge bonuses of 6 Chrononauts and trait bonus damage Sniper.

Preferred items

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Infinity blade
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Ouragan de Runaan
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE  

As said above, Jhin will inflict massive damage with attack speed converted to damage from Chrononauts and bonus damage from Sniper. Accordingly, you will want to give it a Infinity blade to improve its reviews, as well as a Ouragan de Runaan so that he one shot several units at the same time at the end of the round.


As a third item, you'll usually want a defensive option, like the Mercury TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Thirst for blood, L ' TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Guardian angel or TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Gripper trap. If you're facing a lot of armor, a Last breath can also be interesting (instead of the Infinity blade or Runaan).

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE ou TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
ou Cho'Gath
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
Guardian angel
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
bramble armor
TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
  TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE + TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE  

Your team will get stronger as the round progresses with the bonuses of Chrononaute, that's why it's very interesting to use defensive objects on one of your tanks so that it can temporize for a very long time. Wukong et Cho'Gath are the best choice, since they also offer zone control.


L'Guardian angel is generally a good choice, and synergizes well with the Redemption : opponents will attack other champions when theGuardian angel activates, then the Redemption will heal them. L'bramble armor is very strong in the early and mid game, but it can be replaced by TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE dragon claw, TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Gripper trap ou TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE Warmog, living armor.

Tips and Alternatives

This composition can work quite early in the game by using Ashe instead of Jhin in the middle of the game, giving her her items before selling her when you find the latter. You can easily access some Chrononauts at the start of the game, although it is recommended to use substitution units because the synergy is not very strong at 2 units. From Brawlers will do with your snipers for example.

Obviously, Twisted fate replace Thresh for the majority of the game, but it will be rather important to pass level 7 or 8 quickly to roll to find your units at 4 Range (Jhin, Cho'Gath, Wukong) To 2 level, and ideally Thresh. With the latter, try to have good units on your bench so that he brings them into the fight: Aurelion Sol, Gangplank, Lulu...He will summon your leftmost champion on your bench first.

When it comes to positioning, you'll want to be careful to protect your Jhin of the infiltrators or Blitzcranks opponents. An interesting trick will be to put a Zephyr on your tank opposite of Jhin. This will then touch the opposing frontline on the side of your carry, allowing the latter to directly target the opposing backline for oneshots from the start of the round.

Not all of these compositions are necessarily the best of Set 3, since it's very hard to know what the meta will be made of, but they work very well right now and are a good way to get familiar with Teamfight Tactics: Galaxies and their different options.

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
All the info on set 3 of TFT: Teamfight Tactics Galaxies

TFT Set 3: Cheat sheet of 4 Comps to try on the Teamfight Tactics Galaxies PBE
All the info on set 3 of TFT: Teamfight Tactics Galaxies
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