Le patch 11.3 from Teamfight Tactics hasn't changed much since the previous patch, and it was illustrated by a predominance of "reroll" compositions. However, two "standard" compositions remain very powerful.
Find our cheat sheet of the four best compositions of the patch, with some details on the trends of the patch.
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The Cheat sheet of the best compositions of Set 4.5 in patch 11.3 of TFT
Click on the Cheat sheet to enlarge it.
Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf / Samira carries
Olaf is capable of inflicting a lot of damage if you manage to get him the right items (ideally a Ouragan de Runaan, the Deadly blades / Infinite blades and defensive object to finish). It doesn't necessarily need to 6 Murderers to be effective, making this composition very flexible depending on which Chosen you find at level 8 (4 Initiators, 4 Mystics, or simply support units like Morgana...). Samira also makes a terrific late-game secondary carry.
If your opponents are positioned on the left, you can move Olaf back one space to prevent him from being targeted first and dying too quickly.
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TFT: Compo Murderer (Slayer) with Olaf and Samira
Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo carry
The compos « reroll », which depend on 3 star champions, are very popular in 11.3. To use them best, you need to get up to 50 gold as fast as possible without buying any XP at the start of the game, then "slow roll" your excess gold above 50 each round to get your 3-star carry. .
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Yasuo is one of the best among 3-star carries, able to slice through the opposing team with good items and 6 Duelists. This composition can go for the top 1 at the end of the game if you find Read without et I ne.
Avoid putting Yasuo in the front line so that he is not targeted first by your opponents, and try to get your Lee Sin to kick an important unit before it casts (Sejuani, Sett...).
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TFT: Compo Reroll Duelist with Yasuo on Teamfight Tactics
Compo Executioner (Executioner) with Kayle / Xayah carries
The composition Kayle hasn't changed much since the last patch. It has the advantage of not needing a lot of synergies, making the composition rather flexible according to your elected : you can play 4 Executioners, a frontline ofInitiators, D 'Followers, D 'divine beings... Kayle, however, has specific objects (especially the Ultra-fast cannon), while xayah can act as a secondary carry with what you have left.
Try to position your Xayah so that it hits as many units as possible, positioning yourself on the same side as your opponents if possible.
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TFT: Compo Executioner (Executioner) with Kayle on Teamfight Tactics
Compo Sharpshooter with Nidalee carry
In the same vein as Yasuo, Nidalee is also an excellent champion to reroll to have it 3 stars if you find it in elected. Whether Tireur d'izard ou master of war, it deals tremendous damage with the right items. You can play different variations of 3 to 6 Warmasters, 2 to 4 Snipers...depending on what you find to go with it.
Azir's soldiers can be used to protect Nidalee, or to bait certain units (Assassins or Aurelion Sol's spell by placing them in the corner opposite him).
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Patch 11.3 Trends
As said above, patch 11.3 greatly favors the reroll compositions. If you find Yasuo, Nidalee, Diana, Nasus or even elected wukong, you should consider these comps.
With these compositions, you can consider making a early game losing streak, which will give you the carousel priority to have perfect items on your carry. You should get strong again anyway once your 3 star champ unblocked.
If you don't have a Chosen pointing you towards a reroll comp, try leveling up aggressively and going on a win streak, then going on a comp Olaf, Kayle, Sylvestre or even Warmaster at level 8.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding these compositions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments.
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