TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: The best combinations of items and champions Find our advice for choosing your compositions and your carries according to the items you get on TFT!

It is sometimes difficult to know which champion to equip his items on, and which items to choose. If our tier list of items is already a good indicator to know the relative power of the different combinations, it is still necessary to know on whom to use them. We therefore present to you our table, with the different champions and the most effective items on them.

Every champion and item is prioritized, ranging from most important on the left to least important on the right. The goal is not to give you an ideal build to stick to every game, but rather what types of items are interesting and which champions benefit the most.

Only champions that are worth using items on are shown. The same goes for objects. This is because many of the characters aren't strong or useful enough to justify investing resources on them. It is also recommended to favor the concentration of several objects on one or two champions rather than scattering them around your team.

Read also: all our guides on Teamfight Tactics.

Physical DPS Items
TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions
TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions
Spellcaster Items
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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions
Tank Items
 TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions 
TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions 
Item for Hybrid DPS
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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions
Situational Objects
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Find more details on items, champion types, and sample builds below.

Physical DPS

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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions + TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

β†’ Probably the best attack speed item in the game, more so thanks to the extra range it gives and the inability to dodge attacks.

β†’ It is important to note that the doubled range also works on melee champions, who will then attack 2 squares away.

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β†’ The Guinsoo works very well on champions who want stay alive long, since the attack speed it brings increases over time. 

β†’ Its magic damage bonus also makes it an object of choice for spell casters.

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β†’ Statikk's Dagger gives interesting area damage to champions who have a lot of attack speed.

β†’ It works particularly well with ProwlersAshe et Vayne on your mind.

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β†’ Bloodthirst is more a defensive option than offensive, lifesteal being effective enough to survive the opposing DPS.

β†’ It works more on champions that inflict high crits like Draven, or volibear et Tristana which can activate lifesteal on their secondary targets.

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β†’ One of the best items in terms of pure DPS, the Infinity Edge can be very strong but does nothing more than single target damage.

β†’ It is possible to put 2 on a championIncluding Draven, to allow him to oneshot most fragile champions on a big critical hit.

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β†’ The Titanic Hydra is not especially a good item for tanks, but rather for ranged DPS who will attack quickly and stay alive for a long time.

β†’ This item is particularly effective on level 3 units which generally benefit from around minus 2000 max HP, such as VayneTristana ou Nidalee.

Typical Build Examples
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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

Overall, the build of a physical DPS is usually: an attack speed item (Guinsoo/High Speed ​​Cannon), another damage item (second attack speed, or Infinity Edge/Titanic Hydra), and finally a defensive object (Bloodlust/Phantom Dancer/Dragon Claw).

The spell casters

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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions + TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

β†’ By far the best item for any champion who wants to cast their spells repeatedly. Spear of Shojin is most effective for champions who have a high mana cost but want to cast their spell multiple times.

β†’ Ideally, approximately all champions on the list want 1 Spear of Shojin in order to maximize their damage or control duration.

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β†’ Seraph's Embrace offers 40 base mana in order to use his ultimate as quickly as possible, which Katarina for example.

β†’ Since it gives 20 mana points each time the equipped caster casts their ultimate, it is particularly effective on champions with low mana costs, such as Akali et Yasuo.

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β†’ Origin Demon is a great way to generate mana quickly, and can be given to a non-default champion to help out.

β†’ As a bonus, the item also gives 40 base mana, which will guarantee a very quick first use of ultimate.

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β†’ The Wizards generate twice as much mana when attacking, making Yuumi a good way to increase the mana generation of a champion who isn't already a Wizard. The item will also boost its magic damage.

β†’ The Elementalists have the same mana generation bonus on their attacks, which does not stack with Yuumi, so it is not recommended to equip this item to them.

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β†’ The ultimate damage item for casters, the Rabadon does not help to use the ultimate faster but will make it extremely powerful, at the risk of "overkill" the targets.

β†’ It is especially useful in combination with the Seraph for champions who want an ultimate that comes out fast and kills a lot of opponents with one hit, especially Karthus, or Akali because his ultimate can inflict critical hits.

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β†’ Luden's Echo is the typical example of a "for lack of better" item, when you can't afford to wait for a Lance de Shojin for example.

β†’ Its bonus damage on spells makes it especially interesting on champions who often cast their ultimate, such as YasuoAkali et Ahri.

Typical Build Examples
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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

La Lance de Shojin remains for the moment by far the best item for spellcasters. Generally, the latter will also want Attack Speed ​​(which makes it possible to generate mana more quickly), whether it is by a Guinsoo's Raging Blade or a Ultra-fast cannon.


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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions + TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

β†’ TheGuardian angel is essential on champions who absolutely want to use their ultimate, then conserve their mana when reviving. Thus, they cannot be controlled or die before using their area control.

β†’ It is thus recommended on champions who have impact ultimates, such as Sejuani, Cho'Gath et Gnar.

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β†’ One of the best items in the game, the armor bonus is interesting, but it is above all attack speed penalty which makes him excellent on a tank that will often be surrounded by opponents.

β†’ What makes Frozen Heart so effective is that it also contains a primordial mana bonus for tanks that have an ultimate they want to cast as soon as possible, like Sejuani, LeonaCho'gath et Gnar.

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β†’ The Thorn Mail is especially effective in combination with other objects, (in particular the Warmog) or on a champion who has a lot of armor.

β†’ Since it reflects mixed damage, it works wonderfully with Brew who blocks a lot of damage with his shield, or with the knights in general.

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β†’ If you need to tank all types of damage, the Warmog is always a safe bet. The large HP bonus and regeneration can make some units nearly unkillable.

β†’ Staying alive very long is especially useful on champions who don't have an ultimate that costs a lot of mana, which will allow them to use it multiple times (Swain, Thread, Kassadine).

Typical Build Examples
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It's quite rare to have 3 items on a tank, most of them often being more useful on your main DPS, whether physical or magic. The choice of ghost dancer and dragon claw can be judicious, respectively against physical damage (Assassins, Draven) and magic.

Hybrid DPS

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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions + TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

β†’ The Pistolame Hextech well deserves its own category, since it has many users who are hybrid champions, which generally make constant but magical damage.

β†’ It is then equipped in combination with tank items, or mana items depending on the champion concerned.

Typical Build Examples
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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

Champions who use the Pistolame Hextech are usually very powerful with three items, but are nonetheless vulnerable to various anti-healing effects (Pantheon, morellonomicon, red buff). The Gunblade can also be used on other champions like casters in certain situations.

Situational Objects

TFT: The best combinations of items and champions TFT: The best combinations of items and champions + TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

β†’ Obviously, the Force of Nature is one of the best items in the game thanks to its ability toexceed the cap of units linked to the level to get 1 more.

β†’ It is generally better to put it on a champion who doesn't need items, since it offers no stats and all units are limited to 3 items.

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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions + TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

TFT: The best combinations of items and champions + TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

β†’ The Ghost Dancer is the ultimate physical anti-DPS item, especially against the Assassins, and can be used on all types of champions To protect them.

β†’ The Dragon's Claw is similar, but against magic damage.

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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions + TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

TFT: The best combinations of items and champions + TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

β†’ These two objects are to be preferred on champions that you will position in the middle of your team so that they boost a maximum of units. The two objects can be stacked to accumulate bonuses.

β†’ While Herald of Zeke is generally a better item, Iron Solari's Medallion is very effective in the early game.

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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions + TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

β†’ The Morellonomicon's burn damage and anti-heal make it a great item on champions whose ultimate hits multiple targets multiple times (Brand, Thread, Kennan, Morgana, Swain).

β†’ Ditto for the red buff, but for the auto attacks that will hit several targets, either the gunslingers in general, but in particular Graves which is excellent with (and even more with a Titanic Hydra bonus).

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TFT: The best combinations of items and champions +

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β†’ It is sometimes difficult to get the maximum class/origin bonuses in certain compositions, especially when these require a rare or not very strong champion.

β†’ Items that allow you to add a class/origin to a champion can be very effective, and should generally be used on a carry.

TFT: The best combinations of items and champions

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