Teamfight Tactics Set 4.5 is going to be a huge game-changer by adding 20 new champions and new traits. Besides these standard mid-season changes, the update also brings a new mechanic that looks a bit like the Set 3 galaxies: lucky lanterns ( Lucky Lantern).
We detail everything that has already been revealed on the subject.
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TFT Set 4.5: The New Classes and Origins
What are TFT Set 4.5 Lucky Lanterns?
Lucky Lanterns are orbs that can be picked up by players, similar to those given by PVE rounds, but with many differences:
- All players get their Lantern together.
- The rewards therein are the same for all players.
- There can only beonly one Lantern per game.
- Lanterns can spawn in round 2-5, 3-5, 4-5, or simply never (25% chance for each possibility).
- The later the Lantern arrives, the more rewards it contains.
Unique Rewards: Loaded Dice, Item Reroll, Magnetic Suppressor, and Training Dummy
The rewards from these lanterns can be standard (Gold, Components, Neeko's Helping Hands, Spatulas or in rare cases Forces of Nature), but they can also contain unique consumables:
- Dé pipé : Use this on a champion to refresh your shop and have a shop containing only champions that share a trait with the champion the item was used on. Champion drop rates based on their cost are still respected. It is impossible to get a chosen one this way.
- Item reroll : Use this on a champion who is equipped with at least one item to unequip them and change their items to other random items of the same tier (components turn into other components, and full items turn into other full items ). This consumable does not work with Spatula items.
- Magnetic suppressor : Use this on a champion who is equipped with at least one item to unequip all of their items.
- training dummy : Use this on a champion to spawn a moveable Training Dummy nearby. He is similar to an Azir soldier: he does not attack but can tank damage.
Each lantern always has at least one of these unique components.
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