TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it TFT: Win streak, how to make it and protect it How to make a winning streak, and especially how to keep it and capitalize on it on TFT? We explain everything to you.

In Teamfight Tactics, when you have a good start to the game thanks to a bit of luck, you usually start a winning streak. This is one of the best perks in the game, because if you manage to keep it, you usually guarantee yourself at least a top 4. It is also possible to use this perk to play for the top 1. Here is all our advice to succeed, protect and capitalize on your winning streak, separated into 6 parts:

  • The best champions elected to dominate the early / mid game,
  • “Playing your best board”,
  • “Slam” objects to stay powerful,
  • Level up aggressively,
  • Scout his opponents to maintain his winning streak,
  • What to do at the end of the game to capitalize on its advantage.

Chosen champions that allow for a winning streak

You should almost always buy one of the first chosen ones that the game offers you, but it's when you've had the chance to get a great one that you can usually go on a winning streak.

The best chosen at the start of the game (1-2 gold):

Tier S+ Janna (both) Vi (Brawler) Teemo (both)
Tier S Annie (both) Jarvan IV (Sentinel) Pyke (Fanatic)
Tier A
Yasuo (Duelists) Diana (both) Rakan (both)
Jarvan IV (Warmaster) Soot Kench (Later) Zed (Murderer)
Wukong (Initiator) Vladimir (both) Jax (both)

We won't go into too much detail about them, but remember that when you have a good chosen one you should try to play around his trait : if you have a chosen Fanatic for example, try to play 6 of them as soon as possible rather than settling for 3. This is also often a good champion to give items to since you will sell it at the end of the game.

The best mid-game chosen ones (3 gold):

Another option if you haven't had a very good chosen one at the very start of the game is sell it when you pass level 6 and roll : you can then find a elected at 3 PO which will usually allow you to dominate Stages 3 and 4.

Tier S+
Kindred (both) yummi (both) Shyvana (Brawler)
Tier S
Weighs (both) Katarina (Warmaster) Kennan (Sentinel)
sivir (both) neeko (both) Darius (Later)

Play your best board

The key to maintaining a winning streak is to always know play your best board, ie play the most powerful units at your disposal. As said above, this should always be defined depending on your elected : you should use it as the cornerstone of your composition, using its synergies to make it even more dangerous. 

It's hard to tell precisely which units are powerful, as the balance changes every patch, but some champions are still great picks to carry you in the early/mid game: 2 stars with another Legend, Kindred 2 stars with any offensive objects, Yuumi 2 stars, sivir...

As a bonus, some synergies are always interesting: Fanatic (if you have 6 quickly), Sentinelle, 4 Ninjas...

Another tip to remember is that it is better favor 2-star champions over synergies in many cases. If you naturally find a 2-star Yuumi, play it even if it doesn't share any traits with your comp. If you have a lot of pairs (when you pass level 6 for example), consider rolling a little to find your upgrades.

Slam items to protect his win streak

When you are in winning streak, your main objective should be not to interrupt it to keep your HP but above all to take advantage of the enormous contribution of gold, going up to +4 Range per turn (+1 from the win and +3 from the streak).

To do so, and because you won't have never the priority on the carousel, you should avoid taking components expectantly (Example: take a BF sword to make a Guardian angel later when you haven't yet chainmail), but rather try to complete powerful, all-purpose items with the components already at your disposal.

If you have 3 unused components, you should always try to make at least one complete object, even if it is not optimal for your composition. Legendary Champions can use just about any item. Thus, items versatiles will always be interesting. The ones you should always slam are for example: TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it Chalice of Power, TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it Zeke's Crest, TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it Portail de Zz'Rot, TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it Iron Solari Medallion, TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it bramble armor et TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it hand of justice.

Other objects will be very powerful in the end game if you decide to go on legendary champions and should therefore be considered: TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it blue buff, TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it Precious Gauntlet, TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it Rabadon's Headdress et TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it Guardian angel for example.

Level up aggressively and scout opponents

Aside from slamming items, a good way to protect your win streak as much as possible is to level up aggressively. Here are generally the timings during which you should level:

  • 4 level : Pre-level in 1-4 (to increase your chances of having a chosen one at 2 GP) or go up in round 2-1
  • 5 level : Pre-level in 2-3 (to increase your chances of finding 3 gold champions) or go up in round 2-5
  • 6 level : Round 3-1 (if you have a good unit to add to maintain your win streak) or round 3-2
  • 7 level : Round 3-5  (if you have a good unit to add to maintain your win streak) or round 4-1
  • 8 level : Round 4-5  (if you have a good unit to add to maintain your win streak) or round 5-1

(Editor's note: Pre-level = Buy experience to be at 8/10 XP (for example), and thus level up at the start of the next round.)

Ideally you should avoid rolling until level 9. Be careful though: your opponents will often spend all their gold at the start of Stage 5. If your board is too weak and you risk taking too much damage, you can roll a little when you pass level 8 to start your transition with some legendary champions.

Scout effectively to protect his win streak

Another very important way to keep your winning streak is regularly scout your opponents to try to position yourself best against the most dangerous opponent. Positioning yourself against an opponent can be put his units on the same side as him or opposite him, send his Assassins / Shadows on his carries, or aim it with objects like the TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it Zephyr or TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect it Shroud of Calming.

A trick to use to know who you are going to play against is the following: with 8 players, you cannot face one of the last 4 players you have already fought. This allows you to reduce the number of opponents against whom you position yourself to only 3. With 7 players you cannot face the last 3, with 6 players the last 2 etc. If you're trying to hold off your opponents, this should give you a huge positioning advantage in the early and mid game.

This advice is especially relevant when end of internship (Rounds 2-5 et 2-6 for example) since you can hover your cursor at the top of the screen to see who your latest opponents are, and you can know that you won't face them. Moreover, it is very important to keep your winning streak at the end of the stage : the additional gold of the series is also gained during the round against the monsters.

Capitalize on your winning streak to get the top 1

When you have successfully big winning streak (the 10 rounds of Stages 2 and 3 for example), you have a big lead in VP and gold which usually guarantees at least a top 4. However, it is possible to use this advance to play for the top 1, and for that you usually have two options.

Play for level 9 with a “Peeba” comp

The first option is to dash to level 9 without roll, even if it means taking a few slaps during Stage 5, and transitioning to a composition using essentially legendary champions. Nicknamed "Peeba", this composition is very powerful at the end of the game.

Your goal is then to level up to 9 at the start of Stage 6 or via end of stage 5, devdrop your chosen one and roll to find a chosen one at 5 gold. Your carries will then generally be, I ne, Samira et / ou Sept., with other champions who can carry support items (Zilean, Azir, Swain, Read without).

  • Read also

  • TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect itThe Level 9 Peeba Composition Guide

Try to get a 4 gold 3 star carry

The other option, if you headed for a composition plus standard, is to have your main carry at 4 gold in 3 stars if you are not not contested above. To do so, you will have to try to slow roll at level 8, staying above 50 gold. This strategy is especially to be considered if you have one or two Side kicks from Neeko.

  • Read also

  • TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect itThe Slow roll guide

You should make this decision if, for example, you are playing a composition with Olaf, Aurelion Sol, xayah, Kayle, Heel or even Tryndamere and carry.

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  • Read also

  • TFT: Win streak, how to do it and protect itTFT Set 6, all the info on the next Teamfight Tactics Set
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