Breakflip is media partner of Pas de Bol, the professional gamer and streamer of Teamfight Tactics. Thanks to this partnership, we will offer you a new appointment with each patch : the Compo de Pas de Bol! In this particular guide, he will present his current composition to you, with his expertise as a Challenger player.
We will discuss in detail all the concepts to understand in order to play the composition, such as the champions to play, Program, important objects, hextech augmentations, positioning tips...
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The composition Jhin with Sniper by Pas de Bol and the different variants
This composition is extremely flexible, the basis being the combination of Jhin / Orianna with a big frontline, which can be Sion / Brew / Blitzcrank. This frontline may however be different.
Pas de Bol explains it: “You can play without Sion but you will have to have a big frontline anyway. You can play for example Caitlyn rather than Miss Fortune et Jayce en backline here you women Enforcer free and gives you a lot of damage, but in this case you really need to have very, very good items on your tanks. »
The most important thing is to adapt, it is also possible to play 4 Guards du Corps (body guard) with Leona, especially with a Bodyguard Emblem. “You can even play with a frontline Fighter (Bruiser), even if it is a little less strong. You can play Dr. World, Zac, Lisandra, Trundle et Soot Kench.
Finally one of the last variants is if you have a Hextech Augmentation who gives you +1 Innovator, in which case you can play 7 Innovators + Jhin + Janna, with Jayce in frontline which holds the defensive objects.
Finally, note that if you find 2 stars quickly, you can pivot on it by selling Jhin and giving him his objects. Jayce in ranged form can be a very powerful carry, be sure to take a look at our composition Jayce on TFT.
When to play the Jhin Sniper comp and what are the victory conditions?
This composition is not to be forced on all parties, but Pas de Bol recommends a few conditions to consider it:
- “There are a few increases that are comp specific, if you can quickly get a Broken Stopwatch or a +1 Sniper it's really strong. »
- "You also have to be quick enough
Last breath et
Blades of infinity. Usually that's when you're going to have
BF Swords also, they are better on Jhin than on Yone or Urgot for example. »
- "When you find yourself with lots of AD items and AP items, you can go on the composition because you are sure to have at least one AD carry and one AP carry in the composition, you can play Jhin and Miss Fortune. »
This composition can go play for a top 1 if you meet a few conditions:
- “If you see that you are uncontested, that you have a big economy and that there are a lot of champions at 4 gold coming out of the pool, you can try a 3 stars.
- If not, go to level 9 is also a good way to improve the composition by adding very strong legendary champions.
- "Even without necessarily going to level 9, it's possible to win games, but you really have to very good items on Jhin and on Sion.
The stuff to favor on Jhin and Sion
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Jhin (main carry)

Build typical (BiS)
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Last breath : "This is the most important item, there are too many Underworld (Syndicate), Bodyguards who have too much armor..."
Mercury : Jhin generally needs either a Mercury to be calm in the face of controls, or a
Banshee Griffe next to him to protect him. If he has one, he can replace the Mercury with a third offensive object.
Infinity blade : The synergy works very well with Last Breath and Jhin's physical damage.
Giant Slayer : It's an object a bit dependent on the lobby, it's good if there are a lot of
Bramble Armor in the lobby or if there are a lot of 3-star champions, Fighters (Bruiser) or Colossi.
Doom Blade : If you have a lot of BF Glaives you can make this item without asking yourself too many questions.
Sion (tank principal)
Typical build
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“You really need to have a triple items and Jhin triple items frontline. »
When it comes to items on your frontline, while some are a bit better than others, you generally want to slam them based on what the game gives you. As said above, your main tank is usually Sion, but it can be Brew, Jayce and even Dr. World depending on which version of the composition you are playing.
Other options
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Other Interesting Items
Sniper Emblem : This Emblem can allow you to remove your second Sniper to gain a unit. He goes on Orianna or Jayce.
Bodyguard Emblem : You can play 4 Bodyguards by putting this Emblem on Sion.
morellonomicon : It is always interesting to have one in your composition, it can go on Brew or Sion.
Banshee Griffe : It is very interesting to have this object on one of your champions like Orianna in order to protect your Jhin, especially if you don't have Mercury on him.
Magical power items for Orianna or Miss Fortune : You can use your Chopsticks too big and your
Tears of the Goddess to do magic damage items.You can put them on Orianna or play Miss Fortune 3 stars if you think you can get it quickly (especially if the lobby plays a lot of 3 star 3 gold champions, which takes them out of the pool).
Course of the game
« The only objective of the composition is to succeed in going to level 8. It's better to manage to be strong on Stage 3, Stage 2 you can sacrifice it. (...) But if you have a very big outing you'll play strong board the whole game and go to level 8 cushy, it's still the simplest version. »
Early game (Stage 2)
Stage 2 is played in a fairly classic way:
- Either you have a good start to the game and you can try to make a winning streak (especially with champions like Samira, shaco ou Ezreal / Innovator as carriers of objects of Jhin)
- Either you can agree to simply go on a losing streak with Yordles to maximize your savings.
"When you can pass by Yordle with Tristana in carrier, it happens quite naturally. It is also possible to go through Assassins with shaco ou Heel and bodyguards.
If you are in a position to make a winning streak, consider leveling up more aggressively:
- Level 4 and 2-1
- Level 5 in 2-5 (even in 2-2)
Otherwise, you can prioritize your economy more.
Midgame (Stages 3 and 4)
At the start and middle of the game, your objective is to find an item carrier long enough to get Jhin. here is different combinations you can play in transition.
In the absence of Taric / Camille, if the Vedette space is not well positioned, you can play 4 scrap dealers.
If you haven't started the game with a particularly strong exit that allows you to be on a winning streak, here is what Pas de Bol recommends to stabilize:
“I think it's better to roll at level 6 if you have to roll. (...) It's generally more efficient to roll to level 6 into level 8 than to roll to 7 and then go to 8. It's more hassle because you're going to take pies for 4 more rounds to end up having a lot of trouble finding the champions at 4 range and not being able to stabilize because Jhin 1 star stinks. »
The idea is that if you roll at level 6, you should hit your champions at 2 and 3 range in 2 stars, which guarantee you to be strong during stage 3 and 4 and allow you to be able to calmly boost your economy to go for it. at level 8.
Conversely, if you stay weak at level 6 and roll at level 7, you won't risk hitting many of your champions at 4 range (especially Jhin), so it won't stabilize you much more than if you had rolled at 6. You will just have lost extra HP during Stage 3.
End of game (End of stage 4 until the end)
You then want to aim for level 8:
- either round 4-2 if you were extremely strong and have a lot of economy
- either 4-5 in the general case
- either 5-1 or 5-2 if you had to roll at level 6 and your economy is therefore worse but your board is stable
You then want to transition by rolling your gold to find your primary 2-star champions (Jhin, Sion, Brew...). Do not replace your 2-star transition champions (shaco, Samira, Tristana...) by a 1 star champion : “Almost always a 3-cost 2 star is better than a 4-cost 1 star, that's almost always true. Better to keep Samira 2 than pivot on Jhin 1.”
If your board is weak or you are low on HP, you should roll as soon as you get to level 8 to try to stabilize, even if you only have 30 gold to roll. If on the contrary you still have a lot of HP, you can wait a little longer and make your transition in round 4-6 (which leaves you a lot of time because the round lasts a long time with the hextech increase), or even wait for the PVE in 4-7 and 5-1.
Once stabilized, you can consider pass level 9 : “You have to have already touched everything to pass level 9, you need at least your Jhin 2 and that you have a big frontline. If you have Orianna 1 or Janna 1 it's not too bad. »
Otherwise, if you already have 4-5 copies de Jhin with one more good economy and High enough HP, And especially if you are not challenged, you can try to stay level 8 and roll for 3 stars. You can also do Miss Fortune 3 stars in this scenario if it comes quickly.
Best Hextech Augments
Always try to choose a Hextech Augmentation based on what you need : generally at the beginning of the game it is appropriate to take a generic Augment since you do not yet know what you are going to play, and then you should try to reinforce the strengths of your composition.
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Broken stopwatch : “It's really too strong, it really brings a lot of tempo. »
+1 or +2 Sniper / Bodyguard (Bodyguard) / Mechanical (Clockwork) : These increases are always good to save you a champion in the composition or to pass additional levels, like 4 Bodyguards. 4 Mechanics or 4 Snipers are only considered if you have +2 with your increases.
+1 or +2 Innovator : This increase allows you to play the 7 Innovators version of the composition.
Stand united : This composition can activate a lot of traits and therefore have a lot of additional stats.
+1 Star (Socialite) / Enchanter : « Star is not bad if the box is good for Jhin, +1 Enchanter why not also in real life. »
Ardent Censer : “It's broken in almost all the compositions. » You can then put a Iron Solari Medallion on Orianna to have the entire backline start the fight with the attack speed bonus.
Sniper's Nest : The damage bonus for Jhin is very powerful, especially if you have a Mercury to just put Jhin in a corner and not move him.
Ascension : “Ascension can be good if you have more defensive items than DPS items, especially in synergy with Broken Stopwatch. »
Weak spot : Always nice in an AD composition.
Clear Mind / Level Up! / Rich Get Richer "Typically the economy boosts aren't bad for getting to level 8."
High Roller : You can make 3-star Jhin quite easily by putting the Loaded Dice on Miss Fortune or Tristana at level 8, which maximizes your chances of finding 1-2 Jhin per die.
Positioning Tips
The base of the positioning is quite classic: you want Jhin if possible in a corner with a Mercury or a Griffe de Banshee next to him. If you don't have one of these items, you have to put another champion in the corner (usually Miss Fortune for example). Here are some tips from Pas de Bol:
- « Sion et Brew you can put them in front. If you have one
Gargoyle Lithoplastron you put Sion alone in front with Braum one space behind. (...) Braum it is interesting to put it in front of the Challengers and the Chemtech, the packs.
- The placement of Blitzcrank, what is really interesting is to scout if people have Griffe de Banshee for the proc with the hook and that they take the stuns of Braum and Sion behind.
- If you play Mercury and you don't have any specific aura items, it's really important to space out your characters in the backline, or even in the frontline. Already it avoids Orianna ult your backline, you prefer that it put damage and CC, and that avoids that Sion ou Gallium or others come and type in your whole pack. »
- If you play Jayce you like to keep everything on the same line behind.
You should avoid putting Blitzcrank too close to Jhin because otherwise it hooks a target near Jhin which benefits less from Sniper and has less damage. But against the Assassins you can keep it in front of Jhin because since he hooks it doesn't move. »
The Assassins are still the worst match-up, but you can still try to beat them with Jhin in a corner and Blitzcrank in backline, put Janna not too far too. Another piece of advice also applies to Zyra which is often played with Assassins: “Against Zyra you can put your other Sniper on the line in front of Jhin to prevent the line affected by Zyra's spell from being Jhin's. »
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