PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!

PUBG's next and newest map, formerly known as "Codename: Savage", Sanhok is returning to the test servers much to the delight of its many fans. Going forward, testing will be available to anyone who owns a copy of PUBG. To do this, players will only need to download the version of "PUBG: Experimental Server" when it appears in the game library. This new map, called Sanhok, is still a long way from arriving on the live servers, which is why the developers are eagerly awaiting many detailed feedback on any problems encountered on the latter.

Test window for Sanhok

  • Starts May 11 at 4 a.m.
  • Ends May 14 at 13 p.m.

Check Availability

  • TPP and FPP available.
  • NA, EU and AS: Solo, Duo and Squad.

Sanhok Patch Notes


  • The developers have applied the same changes to weapon and spawn balancing from the current PUBG live servers (see update #12).
  • The appearance of objects has been balanced on Sanhok:
    • Increased the total number of items.
    • Adjusted spawns for ARs in the world.
      • Slightly decreased ratio for the M416.
      • Ratio increased for M16A4 and AKM.
      • Increased the total number of ARs.
  • Before boarding the plane, you can throw apples (found in your inventory).
  • The red zone has been modified.
    • Red zones will no longer appear inside the safe zone (white circle). Except when the blue circle is too close to the white circle.
      • With this change, it becomes a bit more risky to play outside of the safe zone.
PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!


  • Added additional design variants for the Aquarail.
  • Added spawn points for Aquarails and Motorbikes near the cave.

User interface

Some areas have had their names changed:

PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!
*Players voted for a similar name in a community poll, but the developers had to change the name to "Paradise Resort" for legal reasons.

Map Changes

Four new areas have been added:

PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!
PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!
PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!
Na Kham
PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!
The developers have made various improvements to areas of Sanhok:

Bhan, located in the center of the island.
PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!
Ruins, located on the west side of the island.PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!
Quarry, located near the center of the island.
PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!
Docks, located on the southeast side of the island.
PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!
Mongnai, located in the northeast of the island.
PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!
Bootcamp, located in the center of the island.
PUBG: Sanhok, the new map, returns to the test servers with a lot of changes!
Paradise Resort, located on the northeast side of the island.


  • Blood effects should now appear as intended.
  • Fixed some FPS and sound drop issues.
  • Fixed an issue causing the aim punch effect to be far too noticeable.
  • Some invisible objects in buildings have been removed.
  • The minimap now shows areas up to 200 meters, down from 100 meters.

Known issues

  • Sometimes in FPP, if the player was jumping as the game started, the player would not board the plane and fly towards the plane's final destination.
  • When using the Death Cam, players could sometimes disappear or weapons become invisible.
  • Sometimes other players appeared as zombies.
  • Sometimes the blue zone indicator on the minimap is temporarily out of sync.
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